Let's talk about God and his madness

in #busy6 years ago

Let's talk about God and his madness


I know that talking about religion, politics, sports, and any ideology that leads to fanaticism is often quite controversial and if a discussion is not established where everyone's point of view is respected it is impossible to reach agreements.

For this reason I will write this post in great detail, trying to leave different points of view, including mine, (from the point of view of respect) and hoping that whoever reads it will leave me an opinion regarding the post and the topic.

How contradictory, magnificent, ambivalent, giant, universal can be talking about it. So many aspects, ways of seeing it (not with the eyes), of perceiving it, of feeling it, of conceptualizing it, of explaining it, of looking for logic even when the energetic seems to have no logic, even to personalize it, it is impressive what has happened in the world In the name of God*.
Well, everyone has his way of living it, of conceiving it, unfounded under a religious mantle (regardless of the religion that is), everyone has his particular vision.

This vision is changing with the passing of time (not all), according to their mood, the circumstances with which they have to deal with, gains or losses, in short, it can vary (but not mandatory).

Nor is it to believe in God (Ala, Jehovah, Yahweh-Jireh, Roi, El Olam, or the name by which they want to call it from the more than 70 names I found in the readings.)


There are always those who say that you have to believe, that you have to believe in something, and I understand them, to grow up in the nurturing and belief that a god is the one who rules everything, and then someone tells you that he does not believe in him, he should not be It's easy not even to conceive that idea for a believer, but I wonder:

Is it really inherent to the human being to believe in something that will help guide his life?

Even from prehistory there is data that tells us that without the spoken language present, primitive man used to believe that the moon would help them with a specific purpose, or the sun, the stars, anything that was out of reach and consider as something supernatural ...
And it is that even those who are going to do wrong cross themselves and entrust themselves to him to help them to do in a good way the bad they will do. (What a paradox)

There are religions that incite to kill in the name of god, does that seem logical to you? ... according to the vision we have, it will seem or not something bad, but in those cases that think that this should be generally they have it well justified, based on in the sacred books. In the middle ages, there was an institution called "the Holy Inquisition" created by the Catholic Church, I recommend you take a look to see what they think about it later, or read about "The Crusades", what was its purpose, to put a example of the aforementioned.

I get to ask, is it that he helps everyone, even if what they are going to do is harm another?
Faced with this I say to myself, what is good and what is bad? We define that from what? Because what is good for me surely for others will not be.

I do not want to talk about the good or bad, but I tell myself, because there is a god who has written the life of each one of us (as the writings say and many religious affirm), there are so many people doing wrong, could it be that he wrote that too?

** That was part of my thinking for a long time, until I reached certain very personal conclusions (not definitive) **

"We write life with ourselves every second we live, with every decision we make, I do not believe they are written anywhere and by anyone."
"The decision to do good or evil will be defined by each person as he reacts to the situations that come his way."

"I feel that there is a general tendency, supported by religions, to believe that if things are for you, praying is enough for them to arrive. And many take hold of it and do little, expecting only divine help; take care of your life, act, do, work, things come by your own effort, for that nature gives us all our senses, abilities, skills. "

"Particularly, for me, what they call God, I conceive of it as a universal energy, that goes beyond human understanding, and therefore is not sensitive to being in books, it is that force that makes all living beings remain constant. relationship, movement, interaction. He is not a bearded gentleman, much less someone who is watching everyone to see who is doing the evil and punishing him. "

Let's see:

I would like to know what you think about what you just read
Grateful to @hr1 for his healing