9 little Mallard ducklings foraging on Lily pads

in #busy7 years ago

An endless supply of little bugs keeps these ducklings moving from Lily pad to Lily pad :) What a perfect food for these little rascals! Mama Mallard is always nearby, surveying her babes :) I love how they spread out looking for bugs, and then all of a sudden they all race forward together and gather into a tight bunch!

It's amazing that these ducklings are so light they can stand on a floating lily pad! I'm not sure how the bugs get onto the lily pads; I imagine they can either fly or swim, but they're not safe with a bunch of ducklings on the prowl ;)

This video was shot at Beaver Lake in Stanley Park, in Vancouver BC, Canada.

Thanks for watching!


If you caught a bird, then do not hold it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but could not. And make it so that she could fly away, but she did not want to.

And that would prove that the little bird wanted to be with me ;) Thanks for the comment @demix!

Птицы – наиболее совершенные аэронавты на этой планете. Они летают высоко и низко, стремительно и очень медленно. И неизменно сохраняют исключительную точность и контроль.

А некоторые, такие ,например, как большая синица, еще и умудряются летать в "экономном режиме", тратя на полет минимум энергии :)

@petrovych: Birds are the most advanced aeronauts on this planet. They fly high and low, swiftly and very slowly. And invariably retain exceptional precision and control

@ratel: And some, such, for example, like a big tit, still manage to fly in "economy mode", spending a minimum of energy on the flight :)

Спасибо :)

I never really noticed how they move before, it's almost half running, half swimming! Great job on the video!

It is quite amazing how efficiently they can move, especially when they've been spooked! I've never seen such little things move so fast then when an otter comes to town ;)

How funny! A small ferry. Very convenient for small ducklings.

Yes @ratel, a ferry with food on board :) what more could a little duckling ask for! I love to see them jump from lily pad to lily pad :)