Meeting Lovely Steemian @susanlo at "Bun House" / 与 @susanlo 在伦敦吃港式包子
Yesterday, I had the chance to meet up with a lovely Steemian friend @susanlo from Hong Kong for the very first time. @susanlo is a really sweet girl, very bubbly and full of energy. We found we had so much common, in particularly our love for Cantonese style food, lol. I therefore suggested us to grab some snacks at the “Bun House” in Central London and she was totally up for it!
First impressions on arrival, this small cozy café had an ambiance of 1930’s China. It almost feels like we have traveled back in time! It showcases a unique setting featuring a takeaway-like counter right in the middle of the room with an open kitchen right next to it. You can see the steam rising from those bamboo baskets where they make some of the fluffiest white buns in town!
The Bun House, as named, sells buns! It is a lovely authentic little place that offers each type of Chinese steamed buns that you could not resist, lol. The menu is pretty simple with five savory bun options (including pork, chicken, fish, lamb and veggie) as well as two sweet options (red chocolate and a custard).
Price is very affordable at £2.50 per bun. Three buns and a beer came to an affordable £10, lol. @susanlo and I opted for the chicken, pork and custard buns. Each one has its own Chinese symbol on top. Pretty cool, right? All of them were delicious although the winner for me was no doubt the heavenly custard bun! It was spongy and filled with magical oozing yellow paste that was simply delicious!
We also tried out some side dishes, like the lotus root crisp and glass noodle salad. Both turned out to be very yummy and highly recommended.
There is also a “Tea Room” downstairs. If you want to sip tea all day with a more laid-back vibe, this is your place. Perhaps I should give it a try next time!
“Bun House” provides a pretty unique experience amongst the London restaurants. What are you waiting for? The only question is what kind of buns you are going to "bao" down to, haha!
昨天我有机会与来自香港的Steemian朋友 @susanlo 见面,真的很开心哦! @susanlo是一个可爱活泼,充满活力的女孩。我们在一起有说不尽的话题,尤其是对香港美食的热爱,哈哈!所以当我建议去伦敦中心的 “Bun House” 尝尝那里港式传统包子,她立马举手赞同!
到达“Bun House”以后的第一印象,这是一家香港老式茶馆风格,让我仿如穿越时空的感觉,呵呵。餐馆很小,中间摆置了一个外卖柜台。旁边就是开放式厨房,我甚至可以看到厨房里灶炉上的蒸笼冒着浓浓的蒸汽哦。
Bun House,顾名思义,就是专门卖包子的!他们家菜单主打各种咸甜口味的港式传统包子,包括叉烧包,孜然羊腩包, 味增鸡包,鱼肉包和韭菜杂菇包,还有甜品类红巧克力包与流沙包!餐馆价格非常实惠,每个包子才2.50英镑。10英镑就可以吃三个包子加一瓶啤酒。这对于伦敦中心的消费来说,很划算哦。我们点了叉烧包,孜然羊腩包和流沙包,都好吃得不得了!每个新鲜出炉的热腾腾包子上都印有对照口味的中文字样,非常有特色!招牌流沙包超好吃,内陷饱满丰富,一咬之后就爆浆,香气四溢,让人口水直流无法挡,哈哈!
“Bun House” 满足了众多思乡游子想家的胃口,在众多五花八门的伦敦餐厅里脱颖而出,深受欢迎。伦敦的朋友们还等什么呢? 赶快过来吃热腾腾的港式包子吧,呵呵!

两个靓女在一起 = 靓靓。 :-)
明天上照, 哈哈!
Hahaha謝謝Ace!! :))
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You're welcome.
It’s always fun to meet new people!
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Hahahaha (蘑菇頭跳舞)!!!!
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我没看到你的回复信息It’s SOOOO nice to have met you rea😍😍 you’re so sweet too!!! 真系好正,期待下次再約!❤️
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Posted using Partiko iOS
sweet and square. rea must be a sugar cube. OUCH!! be careful not to use her for your coffee, she will dissolve.
Yes she is! Sadly I’m totally opposite: I’m smelly and irregular. OUCH!! Be careful not to come close to me, because I like kicking beautiful women whose surnames happen to be Liu :))
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what's that sumell? yuck....
Hahahahahahaa I can’t imagine how pleasant it is😌
And you two girls didn't take a photo together to share with us!!??
Hello @livinguktaiwan, funny that you asked, lol. We did forget to take a picture together while we ate ... But we managed to take one at the Taiwanese fruit tea place later on. Wait for the second part tomorrow, would you? haha...
in hk again?? lovely place for a catchup :)
Hey @travelgirl, how are you? No, she actually came to London to study, lol. So hopefully we would be trying out more delicious food together in London in the coming months!
hey @rea been really busy as usual. LOL i missed out the crucial part of your title: 在伦敦 .... haha
Waooo,, so sweet post
Lovely photography
Thank you. :)
Waooo,, what a beautiful post at this time
Very nice food photography,, delicious sweet
Thank you!