5 Tech Trends That Will Continue to Help Businesses in 2020

in #busy3 years ago

Technological growth shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Digital technology is often a major disruption in the industry. Even today, digital is reshaping how industries and companies within those industries operate and perform. What's interesting is that new technologies are adopted quickly, which forces businesses to adapt quickly or risk falling behind.

The latest technological adaptations have a disruptive nature. It often changes the way a company operates little by little, sometimes even completely. In other words, technology has always had an impact on business. At the end of 2019, there are still many questions about how technology can continue to have an impact on an industry. Therefore, here are the technology trends that will help businesses in the future, especially in 2020.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data

Although there is still debate around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its development—some people are worried that AI will replace the role of humans while others are quite enthusiastic about its benefits—AI development in Indonesia is still in the early stages of development and is still far from developing true AI. However, what has developed so far has found its way into industry and companies.

Today, AI and Big Data are present in almost every area of ​​business from chatbot features to AI-powered legal transcription services used by law firms to practical uses in industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, education, and more. AI is arguably the fastest-adopted technology because it uses machine learning, deep learning, and natural recognition capabilities that can be used by businesses both large and small. Due to its seemingly limitless potential, AI trends will continue to influence businesses and drive innovation through the industry in the years to come.

In addition to AI, Big data implementations or large data sets are generally more often aimed at business needs. Today, big data is widely used as one of the determinants in making business decisions.

Speaking in a broader scope, big data is not only relied on solely for that. Big data can be applied to types of businesses that can provide better changes to society.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is believed to be a technology that is increasingly affecting the business performance of various lines of organizational activities. Digital transformation is made possible by utilizing this technology. Industry 4.0, Intelligent Transportation System and Smart City are fields that use IoT as an enabler. This trend has started to affect modern business and will continue to increase in the future. This demand creates the need for more IoT devices. Today, smart devices and gadgets are slowly becoming the standard not only for consumers but also for businesses. Devices, such as Amazon Alexa, Echo, Google assistant, and others are quite popular among consumers these days.

In addition to focusing on cities that are already digitally literate. The industrial sector also has a large market for developers
IoT development and implementation. The same conditions apply to IoT market companies. Indeed, on a national scale, Indonesia is still far from being ready for the implementation of this IoT project. However, starting in some "mature" areas is not a bad step, it will accelerate the development and implementation of IoT so that, IoT projects do not stop.


Fintech is a collaboration between finance/finance and technology. The rapid advancement of technology helps startups build innovative financial products that are different from conventional banking. In many countries, financial innovations from these startups have proven not only to bring up innovative new solutions for consumers, but also to shake up the established financial industry.

Fintech is one of the prima donna examples compared to other industries because it continues to transform. Fintech does not only talk about payment and lending systems, but there are also other business verticals such as insurtech, remittances, regtech, blockchain, crypto, data analytics, and so on.

The first reason, Fintech services offer speed. With big data technology, the use of algorithms, and online processes, credit decisions can be made in a very fast time compared to conventional banks. Application filling is done entirely online with a technological design that really understands the behavior of its users. Loans are processed without the need to meet face-to-face with customers

Health Tech

One of the startup verticals that is predicted to experience development is health tech. The Gallen Growth Asia survey reported several trends in the development of healthtech services, ranging from categories, funding, to their distribution in the Asia Pacific region.

The health sector is one of the segments currently being worked on by developers at the startup level. Generally they provide reservation services and doctor's directory, but some others issue new innovations that are ready to be relied on for the medical needs of their users.

In Indonesia, health technology services are predicted to be a sector that has great potential. One of the services in this industry is an online doctor consultation service. There are many service providers available in Indonesia. As a business that relies on user trust, it is a big challenge for service providers to be able to maintain it.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing (or cloud computing) has now become something very common, especially among software developers. Various advantages of cloud computing, such as in scalability, reliability and portability bring their own charm, especially cloud service payment systems are mostly quite flexible, namely paid according to use or commonly referred to as "pay as you use". Technology has become a critical component in business operations, various activities, especially those that connect directly with consumers, are supported by it, and one of the platforms that is widely used is none other than cloud computing.

Financing for technology needs is more efficient by using cloud computing technology, such as minimizing hardware and maintenance costs, but to create optimal value, businesses must also know their capabilities and needs. Cloud computing offers a payment system that is quite flexible, uses high resources when usage is high, and minimizes resource usage when demand is low. This can be exemplified in several business schemes, for example a system that is crowded at certain times, for example, an online shop for Muslim clothes.

There are quite a number of cloud service options currently available. Because businesses need reliable technology for sustainable business operations, make sure businesses choose cloud services that have been tested and trusted. At least there are case studies or business parties who have previously used these services and provided good testimonials. Regardless of that global service or local service.

This technological trend will continue to thrive if product development continues. Innovation initiatives from corporations are important in this regard, especially companies with large market access. Telkomsel as a telecommunications company with more than 163 million users, more than 189,000 BTS operating in 11 regions of Indonesia, and more than 5,500 talents in it, is currently undertaking digital transformation efforts with activities that can unlock the potential of innovators in the country.

Telkomsel strengthens its seriousness in encouraging digital innovation in Indonesia through the Telkomsel Innovation Center (TINC) program. The forms of support include providing IoT laboratories (for startups that use this technology), development funding, development kits, platforms, 5G Labs, working spaces, as well as networking access for startups, developers, and system integrators with related industry players.