I recently saw a thing and...
Parents are living in a new age and technology is deeply involved.📺
I recently saw a thing...
It's called Gamer Sensei.
You purchase a gaming tutor to increase your gamer skills with this website.
It's an interesting point gaming has reached.
Not so long ago parents and all sorts of people alike were chanting video games are evil.
But where are they now?
Parents are buying their children tutoring lessons on how to "merc"(wreck, defeat) other players.
Some of the most successful Twitch gaming streamers are making over six figures.
Popular Twitch Streamer: Ninja
Insert original input here...
Games have become very visually advanced and they have the ability to immerse the user deep into a virtual world. Shooter games, in my opinion, are at the forefront. The reason being is the technology can be used to teach a skill or thought process without physically performing the subject. Shooting a gun for example is a skill and playing shooting games helps. That's why the military uses video games to train pilots and ground soldiers.
Video game: Americas Army
In Conclusion
Are we training the civillians of America on military tactics and thought processes before they reach the actual military system? It makes sense to me. What do you think?
Wow i am surprised. It is video game tranning system.i like it.
You gotta start them young! Lol
If you have a good posting, you have to be talented.i like this photo.
Cool, I have a couple of friends who probably would want to work as tutors over at Gamer Sensei...
I probably could tbh. I've been playing many, many moons.
I think its great that this is becoming a thing.
Very cool service. Wish it was around when I was a kid. Following.
Yeah it's pretty amazing what's happening with the youth and technology in America. Thank you for stopping by and following!
This is a fantastic news for everyone . must like this news
It really is a good thing. Unfortunately the American government keeps trying to take our guns. We need guns to protect ourselves from invasions!
How and where is the government trying to take your guns??? NO PLACE in America is telling you to turn over your guns. This is completely propagated by people who have no basis to say such things and cause more issues by saying these things than by just acknowledging that the government CAN NOT and WILL NOT EVER TAKE AMERICANS GUNS FROM US. The sheer idea of this alone is preposterous as well as impossible to implement. STOP SAYING IT! It helps NO ONE.

GUNS WILL BE IN AMERICAN HANDS AS LONG AS THERE IS AN AMERICA. As an American you should know that your constitution protects you from this and is NOT and WILL NOT ever be changed regarding this topic. Tougher Gun laws YES...NO GUNS = IMPOSSIBLE!
I see what you're saying but I think the government is intelligent enough to figure out how they can obtain the civilians weapons. You may be correct but I dont think so. What harm am I causing by promoting the ownership of firearms and protecting that right?
It is a need of time... Its long overdue... Video games are must in human life to remove stress of daily life... And with such high-five games ....yes it's a need of time.... Great point
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I enjoy playing some video games. I'm pretty excited for Fallout 76.