The words of my mother- Mother and Child

in #busy7 years ago

I was awoken to nostalgic feelings this morning, and with the opening dawn came the reminiscent of some of my mother's word to me when I was just a child, cradling in the warmth of her embrace

Those long childhood nights when sleep will be so far away, tossing from side to side in the restlessness of a young child. Waiting for dawn to break forth so I can leap out of the bed and go play in the garden

"Mama" I would cooed "sleep hasn't come"

"Just keep your eyes shut, my boy" drawing me closer with a free hand "Just keep it shut and embrace the intelligible whispering of the crickets and the guttural noises of the frogs outside, which sounds like your Father's"

And on the last phrase, I would laugh, still forcing my eyelids shut.

And sometimes when sleep hadn't thickened her beautiful voice, she would sing me one or two lullabies. Magical and humorous sweet words woven together in melody. And so gently and effortlessly, I would be carried aloft in the air and transported into some distant places- say Disney. My dour physical consciousness replaced.the_young_witch___a_night_of_spells_by_veelu21-d9e3i4b.jpg

Where its all play and wondrous excitements. I would run off as wild as a child get in mad fun, efforlessly leaping over hills of clouds and jingling to the sweet music played in the skies. A world of smiling sunshine and of colorful flowers with dotting butterflies that spread rainbow dust everywhere.

My mother used to say this words to me.

What is not enough today, will come to abundance tomorrow
Close your eyes and it shall pass

Those two words I need now than ever. Now that the realities of adulthood had suck out all the fantasies of childhood and have come to realize the world is a cold place.090605_UG_01_AK.jpg

And in my harsh reality, I firmly believe that "what is not enough today, will come to abundance tomorrow"

So I close my eyes, to refill my patience and redeem the peace within. For all this shall pass and tomorrow shall come to me bearing glory in it's wings.
(Picture credits) (deviant


Mothers love has no comparism; mothers love is the one and only original love in this world. Only God can love you more than your mother.

Very true

You are highly welcom