Miss you all my friends
Hello everyone
It's so long time i didn't post anything here
I really miss all of you and hope you're well
I don't know if you still remember me

ofcourse we remember you. but you realize 2 weeks ago steem underwent a hardfork because a chinese millionair is trying to centralize steem? everyone is on hive now and powering down and selling their steem...
check it out:
since it runs using the same code as steem, your private keys can login to the hive chain, but anything you post since the hardfork will not be displayed on the other fork.
I can see many changes happened here but i still don't know everything
no worries :)
I see some people post on both the steem fork and the hive fork but most only the hive fork. the korean community and the chinese community opted to remain on the steem fork while every other community went to hive fork, so unless you speak either chinese or korean, hive will probably be the method with what you can reach the most people :)
Long time no see you. What are you up to? Is everything alright over there...?
I'm very good
Now i'm in Indonesia
Oh? You escaped that hell? I'm glad to hear that! Even though it's sad that you have to leave your homeland behind... just to find peace and quiet.
No not like that bro, I got scholarship to study master in Indonesia
i'm studying Disaster Management
Hmmmmm.... 🤔
And are you thinking about returning to that dangerous place..!?
Hello there, I hope you are keeping safe and well in these difficult times.
Hi .. ya i'm so good .. hope you're also good
Nour, great to see you back Sister! We have much catching up to do, let's talk on discord soon!
So glad to see you again and glad to see you have the corona mask on! 😎