Why did NASA try to go to the moon? What does the moon have on the dark side?

in #busy7 years ago

The moon expedition was a significant step for human civilization. Russia sent the first satellite to Earth's satellite in 1959. In 1969, NASA sends 3 astronauts to the Apollo-11 spacecraft. On July 21 of that year, Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moons. The other American astronaut, Edwin Aldrin, joined him after 20 minutes.

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After that expedition, until 1972, six a total of six times the astronauts send by NASA. However, NASA did not operate any other moon mission. Suddenly, NASA's interest in the moon diminished when many questions were raised in the minds of the people. Except for the recent Chinese expedition, the country has not launched any moon mission in any other space study. But in the first lunar mission, people proved that civilization has progressed much further in science and technology. Why so long break? Why people did not go to the moon?
However, the people of the moon have recently met again. A few days ago, Robotzan Z Rabit, who was sent to China, completed his moon mission. Although the interest in Mars is strong, many countries of the world have started working on the moon expedition starting from NASA.

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Alien believers claim that those who went to the moon saw the Alien. They saw some alien installations on the moon chest, which turn their heads. Not only that, they also received threats from the alien in the 6-time operation. And for that reason, there is no interest in the moon, nor did NASA and any other country's aerospace companies.

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Some of the people who gave a firm foundation to these claims once went to the moon. Astronaut Edgar Michel himself, appearing on Apollo 14, said on this topic. Edgar said about the moon mission, When I was walking in the ground, I was convinced that I was not alone there. some object of us is watching and following. I do not know how many they were. They do not even know where they were watching us from. But they were watching us.


nasa still has a base there we got multiple bases on mars... its not hard if ur a billionare family its crazy obvious we have multiple secret space programs... heck a big faction of the mayan civlization actually is spacefairing they left out planet back around the last galatic cycle age similar to the one now where if ur ready u ascend to a higher spectrum of existence.... either way ive already met ets there fucking amasing.......

some ets will literally just tell u how to build all sorts of sci-fi tech like thats how the us military and some billionaires got it or by stealing it by shooting down et craft and reverse engineering some of it....