Statistics of 'busy' tag 2018-06-28

in #busy7 years ago

This is a report of the posts in the #busy category in the recent seven days (2018-06-21 -- 2018-06-29).

Top 20 posts in ranked in the payouts of the posts

1@happymoneymanWhy EOS Needs South America800.86859
2@themarkymarkThe Dirty Secret about Udemy500.35582
3@themarkymarkWell, there it is.479.68726
4@ghayasCryptov8 -CRV8- - The Need of Time - Bringing Banking into Blockchain475.561277
5@actifitAnnouncing Actifit: innovative SMT for rewarding fitness activity!472.52314
6@themarkymarkHow much SP in tied up in Bid Bots?412.43310
7@sndboxThe Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC -Utopian DApp Mockup-380.25369
8@jerrybanfieldWhy is the Steem Price Low? How Do We Fix It?376.011230
9@adonisabrilLuxury Travel, It's Not For Everyone But Is It For You?276.11186
10@verodatoWhat is a bid-bot?244.75725
11@rekoState of Steem #105 ?? - Steem -$1.59- / SBD -$1.26- - Alexa Ranking -1792- - Activity -No.1- - Total Accounts -1,048,540- - Daily Account Transacting -57,729- - Market Cap #35 -$415,747,786-226.51283
12@sndboxThe Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC -Fundition DApp Poster-223.72268
13@mehtaHope for Crypto Ban in India222.63323
14@mehtaColorchallenge - Sunday Purple : Reception Stage198.74192
15@hanshotfirstNot satisfied with the deaths of most of The Resistance forces (and common sense), The Last Jedi is now killing other movies too.188.63391
16@mehtaColorchallenge Wednesday Yellow : Gazebo Decor at Wedding187.89271
17@slowwalkerSurroundings of Naeso-sa temple186.54362
18@slowwalkerPeaceful Appearance Of People in Naeso-sa temple.174.28384
19@slowwalkerDaewung-Jeon Of Naeso-sa Temple173.96367
20@truthproductionsLive Truth Productions Presents "Candida Cleanse Week 1 Results: Clean Diet Results vs Symptoms of Die Off"172.8286

Distribution of the post payouts

Distribution of the online days of the authors

Daily post number

Hourly post number

Thanks for reading.