The origin of Lake Toba

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

hello friend stemian times i will tell you about a danou that is unique in indonesia his name is danou toba.

Once upon a time when there lived a young man named Toba. He is an orphan. Everyday he works in the fields. From time to time he would fish in the river not far from his hut. Fish catch is usually used as a side dish and the rest sold to the market.

One day Toba fishing after the Field. He really hopes to get a big fish that can be cooked to serve as a side dish. Fulfill that hope. Not long after he threw his fishing rod into the river, his hook had been struck by a fish. How excited he was when he pulled his fishing line and found a big fish stuck in his fishing pole.


Took a moment to watch the big fish that he was fishing in. "Strange fish." Guman. He had never seen a fish in his life. The color of the fish was yellowish and the scales were golden yellow. Shining glittering scales when exposed to the sun. When Toba let go of his fishing hook from the mouth of his fish, it suddenly occurred a miracle. The strange golden scaly fish was transformed into a beautiful woman whose face.


Toba was amazed to discover the miracle that took place before his eyes. He just stood with rounded eyeballs and his mouth gawked.
"Sir." The woman said the beautiful incarnation of the fish. "I am the curse of the god for breaking the great ban. It was destined to me, that I would change the shape of any creature that held or touched me. Because the master has held me, then I became a human like this Master. "

Toba introduced his name. So did the beautiful-faced woman. "My name is princess, sir."


Toba then explained also his desire to marry Princess because he was fascinated by the lady's incarnation of the fish. "Will you marry me?" He asked after a few moments of conversation.

"All right, I am willing, sir. As long as the master is willing to fulfill one of my requirements," answered the Princess

"What conditions do you want? Mention. I will surely fulfill it. "

"My request is only one, let the master shut my secret meetings. Do not ever mention me if I come from a fish. If you declare your willingness to keep this secret, I am willing to be your master's wife. "

"Okay." Toba said, "I'm going to close your confines of this secret. This secret is only known to us alone. "

Toba and Princess were married. Both live harmoniously and happily even in simplicity. Their happiness seemed more complete with the birth of their child. A boy. Samosir name

Samosir grows into a healthy child. His body is strong. Unfortunately he's a bit naughty and lazy. Her only wish was to lie down. He seemed to be unconcerned or eager to help his father's busy work in the fields. In fact, to just deliver food and drinks for his father, Samosir often refused if asked. If she wanted to, she would do it lazily, with a grumpy face. Increased lazy behavior due to his mother continues to spoil her. Whatever he asks his mother will endeavor to fulfill.

Samosir is very strong in his appetite. Ration of food a day for his family can be spent in one meal. Toba feels he has to work harder to fulfill his son's extraordinary desire to eat.

One day Samosir asked his mother to deliver food and drink for his father. Samosir who was lazing was initially reluctant to carry out his mother's orders. However, after her mother continued to force her finally willing to do so though with a grumpy face.

Samosir brought the food and drinks to the fields. Mid-way, Samosir measa hungry. He stopped the steps toward the garden. He then ate the food that should be intended for his father. Not consuming all the food but left little. With the little food and drink left, Samosir continued his journey to the fields. Arriving in the fields, Samosir gave the food and drink to his father.

Toba has been very hungry for working hard since early morning to open lunch to eat it. He was surprised when he saw the food for him to live a little. "Why do my food and drink rations stay a little?" He asked with a look of annoyance.

With his innocent face as if he had not made a mistake, Samosir replied: "Last time I was very hungry, Dad. Therefore, my father's food and beverage rations have been eaten in part. But, not all I spend, is it? There is still little food and drink for you. "

"The child does not know to be taken advantage of." Maki toba to his son. Anger instantly rises. He could no longer hold back and be patient, his bait immediately slid. "You son of the fish descendants."

Samosir was shocked to hear his father's racking. He ran straight to the house. At the time of meeting his mother, Samosir immediately told of his father's curses and insults that he was a descendant of fish.

Hearing his son's complaint, Samosir's mother became very sad. Unexpected if her husband broke the oath not to mention it comes from the fish.
Samosir and his mother held each other. In a matter of seconds, both disappear. Miracles happen. Imposed footsteps Samosir and his mother sprayed very hard water. From the ground, the water is sprayed out as if it is relentless. The longer it is not the amount of water that blooms but the greater the existence. Soon the surface of the ground was flooded. The surface of the water continues to rise and tek how long later the valley where Toba lived has been flooded. Then a large lake was built there.

Residents then named the lake was Lake Toba. The small island located in the middle of lake Toba is called Samosir Island to remind to the son of Toba.

The Moral Message of the North Sumatra Folklore The Legend of the Origin of Lake Toba is:
Do not break a vow that has been spoken for bad consequences in the future.

well that's the story about the people of origin lake toba hopefully with this story can add insight we all do not follow me if you are happy with this story.
follow me @ mackhel