SUKU GAYO.aceh indonesia

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Gayo Society Culture
The province of Aceh is located in the western tip of Indonesia and includes the equator line, in the famous province of Aceh Gayo, Gayo is one of the existing tribes and has long resided in Aceh. It is located in the center of Aceh province, Takengon city is enclosed by green mountains there the culture and customs of Gayo society fell from the time of kemasa, many of his people live in Central Aceh, Bener Meriah, Southeast Aceh and Gayo lues

In Gayo society there is a culture whose name is kekeberen or rumors like that, some say the history of masrakat gayo itself comes from the Kingdom of Linge and there is also mention masrakat gayo from batak or if in Gayo society itself called hobo 27
But if seen again from the findings of researchers at the tip of the coral mendale takengon there is a skull from the ancestors gayo society that has been studied has lived since 6500 years ago if associated with the Batak 27 it does not make sense, but if we associate in the community gayo clan genera, for example there is a clan

Islam entering the archipelago through Aceh, but the religion of Islam into Gayo takes time because the Gayo people embrace animism and Buddhism, this can be seen from the traces of the skeleton found in Ujung Karang and Mendale based on the 7400 year old carbon test then.
and after the entry of Islam to the highlands Gayay Gayo community finally embraced the religion of Islam and now live in harmony with customs and laws in force.

Art and culture
A cultural element that is never lost among Gayo society is an art that has never experienced setbacks and even tends to develop,
Culture in gayo is already there from the ancestral age when the king linge there is a culture that hereditary until now still exist and is a distinctive characteristic of tribe masyrakat gayo
the most famous art forms such as saman dance and art called dong didong, in addition to entertainment and recreation, these forms of art have the function of ritual education, as well as a means to maintain the balance and social structure of society.
· Didong
There are many arts there are tribe gayo one of them disong the art that combines elements of dance, vocals, and literature. The word didong approached the sense of the word denang or donang which means singing while working together with the sounds

· Didong niet
· Tuak shavings
· Transfers
· Dabus
· Dance bines
· Guel dance
· Madunese dance
· Sining dance
· Dance down me aih aunen
· Resume berume berume
· Saman dance
Saman dance this dance reflects the culture of a very strong gayo adheres to his religion of motion and lyrics of songs that are spoken by the dancers, the amount of saman dance is always odd, saman dance done formation dressed seamlessly accompanied by dynamic movement of hands and head.

About musical instruments in gayo there is a traditional musical instrument
· Teganing
· Kerawang Gayo
· Kertan / webbing

Typical gayo cuisine
· Jeng jeng
· Gutel
· Fast
· Shocking bekuah
· Break up
· Weight
In Gayo community itself there is a culture called sumang, here means is the way people in the community is prohibited or social interaction of the elderly with young people, namely
a. Sumang pemerakan: taboo in the way of speaking
b. Sumang penengonen: taboo in the way of seeing
c. Sumang pelangkahen: taboo in the way of walking
d. Sumang pekunulen: taboo in the way of sitting


Speaking of the language in Gayo society many people think Gayo tribe use aceh language even though in aceh own more dominated bahsa aceh but gayo society have language that is gayo bahay gayo language very much different from baha aceh dialeknya far different.

        Ditakengon own languages ​​used masyrakat is gayo language, there is a subtle gayo language that is rough because the progress of the times and changes and the alternation of tribes and races that go into the language takengon in use more often language coarse language more people know the parents because in the subtle language there are many terms that must be understood.

In the family speech in the tribe gayo father in the call ama the mother in call ine brother / sister in call aka younger sister called men's engi is called prone / wen woman called banan / ipak, In gayo language, tribe gayo also know the level of decency in speaking and shown with speech (how to call people) with a polite and different call. It shows karma, courtesy, respect, appreciation and affection. To the parents the mins will have different speeches with the children, we can illustrate, the usage of the call of ko and kam, both words have the same meaning (you). the common counsel used from the parents to the younger, on the other hand, it seems awkward or impolite for the young to say the word ko to an older person, said kam himself more polite than the word ko. besides, it shows the word plural meanings.

Examples of conversations in Gayo language (introductions)

Sahan geral ni kam = what is your name
My chalk is on = my name is on
Hana s? = how are you?
Strangeness = good news
Nge eke mangan? = have eaten
Gere ilen = not yet

Social life
Within the scope or environment of the society, Gayo people live in the midst of society which in the scope is little called kampong, every kampong is headed by gecik or reje kampong, a collection of several kampongs called settlements led by mukim, in traditional government system there is called sarak opat consisting of reje (king), petue (petua the elder), imam (imam), and rayat (people)

Search Eyes
In Gayo now masrakat more cultivate cultivation, komuditi most copies, but didaerah freshwater sea many people as fishermen and coffee gardening as well, if in the isaq area that more people maintain or mengembalai animals but coffee is the main komuditi Gayo society and as a livelihood.

The system in gayo society used to know some of the manual technology, like in agriculture, the farmers in Gayo mostly use horsepower, buffalo in working the fields. Likewise with others such as craft art architecture, carving art, embroidery and webbing. Formerly Gayo masrakat always use traditional equipment, with the development of the increasingly sophisticated era does not reduce kekenginan to follow the challenges of the times, that people have switched to using more modern tools for livelihood and welfare, the farmers who used to use horse and buffalo to work on rice fields are now switching using the tractor engine and the kerawang craftsmen have switched to modern tools but without breaking the art in the traditional kerawang filigree

well that's the explanation about the tribe Gayo in aceh may bermanfaa story from me do not forget in my follow ya if this story is useful for others.
follow me @ mackhel


nice post menambah wawasan

follow dan vote back ya kak! @channa