Bangladeshi old dhaka famous Haji Biriani recipe
8 kg of meat,
5 kg of rice,
Onion 2 kg of curry,
Ginger 400 g,
Garlic 250 g,
Green chilli 500 grams
1 kg of liquid milk,
Talk yogurt 1 kg,
30 grams of cardamom and cinnamon,
500 grams of potato,
Kishmishi 250 grams,
Salt 250 grams,
Oil 3 kg,
Choose a large bowl for cooking. Wash the meat in small pieces. Let the rice be soaked. Pour oil in cooking pot and heat it. Now turn on one-third of the total onion khichira oil. Then after ginger and garlic stir with a bowl. When the spices are stirred, stirring it like a bundia, stir again with the rest onion.
Now pour the meat. With that, give yogurt, milk, cardamom, cinnamon, pepper, kalasham, baypata and salt. At this time the meat will have to stir well. Spread a nice scent when the meat is boiled.
Now you have to give enough water to meat containers. Four glasses of water for every glass of rice will be calculated. After the water is stirring, let the softened rice after frying it. Take a few minutes to keep the stove tight and keep it tight. After 15 minutes, open the lid of the pot and turn the whole wheel over. Then keep it tight again. After half an hour, the rice can be served by blowing down.
yammy dst 😊😊😊