What is Diabetic?

in #busy7 years ago

Diabetes is a deadly disease. Some call it the mother of all other deadly diseases. The relation of sleeping with wood, the relation of diabetes with the body. That is, if the stability of the wood is tarnished, then diabetes is broken when the diabetes is uncontrolled. Our heart, kidney, eyes, teeth, nervous system may cause complete or partial destruction of vital organs, due to uncontrolled diabetes. Having been successful every day for the benefit of science. Instead of surviving in fighting with nature, people are spending their time in comfort and in life. Man made machines are occupying the space of manual labor. After this, fruit diabetes. Previously people had physical work; That's why diabetes is not heard. Not only that, chemical and biological technologies are being used to meet the growing food demand of the world's huge population. Many thinkers have begun to think that there is a relation about the misuse of this type of technology with diabetes and various deadly disease disorders. Therefore, be aware of proper use of human-made skills. Health scientists have diagnosed the causes of many major diseases, and accordingly, have invented medicines. People are not worried about these diseases due to the discovery of the causes of malaria, cholera, cataract, etc.- The word 'If Tiksha, do not save', people are nearly ashamed today. But despite genuine efforts and hundreds of studies, the actual cause of diabetes could not be ascertained. Health scientists say that pancreatic beta cells are destroyed due to an unknown reason. As a result, pancreates are completely or partially missed in the formation of insulin. Due to lack of insulin, blood glucose can not take part in the metabolism of our body. This increases blood glucose levels and the person is infected with diabetes. Types of diabetes: Health scientists have divided diabetes into three groups, such as type-1, type-2, and gestational diabetis.

how To Understand Diabetes

(A) Diagnosis of diabetes by giving medical scientists the forefathers by determining the amount of blood sugar in an empty stomach in the morning

If there is less than 120 mg (6.6 ml / l) or less sugar per 1 dc liter of empty stomach, it is assumed that a person has a good control over diabetes. The diagnosis of diabetes is called the Fasting Glucose Test. If there is excessive glucose in the stomach, then there may be many complications. So this condition of diabetes is particularly important. If there is no control over diabetes, there may be many complications of artery-veins and heart problems.

After the meal, after getting 180 mg of gram (10 ml / ml) of DC per liter of blood, glucose or more sugar is found that any person has diabetes.

What happens if diabetes is uncontrolled:

There are many dangers to keep diabetes uncontrolled. The relationship between diabetes, deep-depleting, painful on the legs, complications of the nervous system, cardiovascular disease, loss of eyesight, kidney failure, bleeding of the gums, itching, itchiness, loss of sex, etc. In case of diabetic maternal mortality, the birth of the baby can be born, early childbirth, the birth of the baby with more weight. Complications of diabetic patients may increase if complications are high. Smoking also triggers complexity in this case.

Some ideas about diabetes patients.

(A) Hypoglycemia (Hypoglycemia) is to reduce the amount of blood sugar, if the tablet is eaten or insulin is taken, and this leads to hyperglycemia (2.5 m) of mol / litter. Under this condition, the following symptoms of the patient are seen: -

  1. Feeling very sick;

  2. Sweating more;

  3. Very hungry;

  4. Body trembling;

  5. Become unconscious;

  6. Loss of body balance etc.

If you take extra insulin, and after taking a lot of insulin compared to the needs, then eating food or having a lot of exercise can happen.

At hypoglycemia, the patient will have to eat 4 glasses of sugar in a glass of water immediately. If the patient becomes unconscious, he will be taken to the hospital quickly; If there is an arrangement at home, then glucose injection will be given.

Diabetic Coma:


  1. Diabetic patients need to develop eating habits in such a way that the weight of the body does not go above or below the desired range.

  2. Reduce the amount of rice, bread, etc. in the food list, instead of increasing the vegetables; Foamy saak shabaji can be eaten in plenty.

  3. Sweet foods (cakes, pistachios, jams, jelly, sweet, condensed milk, sweet biscuits, soft drakes, tea and sugar etc.) can not be eaten.

  4. Eat food at specific time. Ghee, butter, fat, meat etc should be eaten less.

  5. In such a case, you have to be asleep and have to be free from all kinds of anxiety.

  6. Smoking, alcohol, and hotel meals should be completely filled.


There is no substitute for exercise to keep the body healthy. Exercise is very important due to the lack of body fatness, increased blood circulation in the arteries and increase in insulin production and use. Experiences have shown that those who do not have physical work and live idle lives, they are almost suffering from diabetes. For those who are suffering from diabetes, they should have 45 minutes walks per day. Daily 45m: When eating habits are correct, and if the physical weight is in the desired range, type 2 diabetes patients with diabetes will remain in control.

What we need to keep in controlling diabetes is to walk in the direction of God Almighty and to do every work by refining morality. As a result, discipline will be established on every side of life. And chilling is the best remedy for all the deadly diseases including diabetes.2018-05-10-20-10-25--373692256.jpgIMG_20180510_201325_970.jpgIMG_20180510_201325_970.jpg