in #busy6 years ago

Text: “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance...” Acts 20:32

One major tool in life are words.*
This is the medium through which every human communication takes place. It’s extremely impossible to reach out to anyone without the communication of words; either verbal or written. Words carry different messages and are therefore designed to achieve different purpose in the life of the recipients.

When an army general speaks to his men; the words spoken will prepare his men for battle.
When medical students in a medical school receive the words of their lecturer it will make a physician out of them after some years.
Every word that we constantly hear will accomplish its purpose in our lives. Every word has a mission to accomplish; good or evil. The best of human words will produce temporary and transient results in our lives.

The word of God is also designed to accomplish a mission in our lives. It conveys definite results into our lives as we open our hearts to it on a regular basis. The scripture says *“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isa 55:11)

The word of God is our opening verse is called the “word of his grace, it conveys into our lives the grace of God. Every time we spend time hearing or reading the word of God grace is been imparted. The word of God is a conveyor of the grace. Grace connotes ability and enablement of the Spirit.* The more we receive the word of God the more ability is imparted into our spirit to function in our area of calling and assignment. As you pick this devotional to read on a daily basis grace is been imparted in a fresh and a new way. If we truly receive God’s word daily and we live by it grace is been lavished on our lives to function.

The grace of God is released on my life on a daily basis. Grace has taken over my weaknesses.

LEARN MORE: 2 Peter 1:2

*PRAYER REQUEST: In the name of Jesus we declare that there will be revelation of his grace to us all.