in #busy6 years ago

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Text: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”1 John 4:4
We all came from different backgrounds, exposures and experiences in life.
In so many ways these tend to define our lives and our outcomes.

Many people have developed mindsets and temperaments that are products of their lineage and their environments.
A life lived this way will never be consistent with the life of God that we are created to have.
It’s therefore important for us as believers to understand what the true nature of a believer is and what should determine the outcome of our lives.
A believer is a new creation. He has a life that is completely new and different from the natural lineage. It’s very wrong to describe a believer based on their village or their family name. If your identity is based on your natural descent then you will also experience whatever is wrong with that lineage. The new creation has its origin in God. He is of God. Apostle John said “Ye are of God...” (1 John 4:4).
This simply implies that we originate from God. His nature and identity has become our own. The true nature of a believer is therefore that of God.

The implication of this is that we must never accept or agree with whatever is contrary to the nature of God. *A life of sin and ungodliness is completely foreign to the life and nature of God.
It’s something we must never settle with. A life without purpose is completely foreign to the nature of God. It’s important for us to be acquitted with this so that we can crave for all that God has made us. This will also inform our reaction to whatever is contrary to the nature that God has given us. *I want to encourage you to take a strong stand against whatever is contrary to the nature of God in your life.
If it’s not God then it’s not me, and I encourage everyone reading these massage and are born again should have these mindset that we are in the world but we are not of the word, Christ in us is hope of glory which will soon manifest. Remain blessed.

The life and the nature of God are finding expression in my life. I refuse whatever is contrary to God. The nature of God is what I have and nothing else.

LEARN MORE: Ephesians 4:24, 2 Peter 1:4

*PRAYER REQUEST: Lord we declare that your word is growing mightily and prevailing through every available devotional around world. Acts 19:20