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RE: Plank Face (Cara e’ Tabla)…Characters of our contemporary history # 1.

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Hello @ manorvillemike: I can briefly tell you that our country has 20 years old with these Lords controlling power and during those 20 years there have been a lot of actions and in 2002, with millions of people on the street, they were momentarily driven out from power; However, the military, the owners of the weapons put him back in power ... from that moment, another series of events have been generated that have weakened the government and have generated a series of victims and political prisoners, but the military keep them in power ... it's a kind of militaristic regime...Of course, we must recognize that the political opposition, in recent years, has dispersed and have stopped working in an coordinated way.


I was thinking some military men would do the right thing for the country.