Congresses, fests, meet-ups

in #busy6 years ago

This post also belongs to the category of "Ideas", so I advise you to pay close attention to it, especially those users who create their projects and websites on the Internet. And of course, first of all, I mean the crypto world, and not all these stupid Amazons, Google and other relict vermin.


I also want to remind you that earlier I published my ideas in the Open University of crypto social networks and there is even a special section for this topic. But now all my new projects are published in the Steemit social crypto app called Fundition. And you can easily find me there by login borishaifa.

I have accumulated just a huge number of ideas and projects that mainly concern the crypto social networks and gradually I will tell about all of them. Very soon, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies ща social networks will rush "to the moon", I have absolutely no doubt about it. In my opinion, this is a demanded need for social development and anyone who will be ready for this take-off will certainly win.

However, let me tell you a few words about the idea itself. It concerns the calendar of events that occur and will occur in the crypto social networks. It seems to you today that nothing is happening. It seems to you that bitcoin rate is falling and crypto depression prevails everywhere. But if you return to this post in a couple of years, then you will understand everything. I rarely make my forecasts, unlike traders, but I NEVER make any mistakes in them.

Thus, the calendar of events crypto social networks - in a very short time will be simply extremely in demand. I probably agree that online communication is one thing, and meeting in real life is another. Moreover, sometimes from meeting users in real life, disappointment can occur. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

In fact, it is thanks to congresses, fests and meet-ups that the traditions and customs of the community are formed. That is what makes them unique and special. And if today you just publish the same posts in different crypto networks that are “all for one face”, then tomorrow they will all be as special as Steemit.

When cryptocurrency becomes the norm in our life, you will probably want to travel and attend as many interesting and useful crypto events as possible, because ordinary tourism will lose its meaning for you (if you have not already lost it). And then you will feel an urgent need in the calendar of events that happen in crypto social networks and blockchain-states.

Boris Siomin,