Get Your Free MAC COIN Today
Here ya go folks...Today is your lucky day!!! Want some FREE Mac Coin? First of all...what the hell is Mac Coin?!? What exchanges will it be on?!? The simple answer to both of those questions is it’s a coupon and none. Does not mean it’s not a killer promotion!!!
Right now if you go to your local McDonalds and buy a Big Mac, you’ll receive a Mac Coin. This coin is basically a BOGO promotion and you can redeem the coin at any McDonalds location in the world before the end of the year, for a free Big Mac.
There are 5 different coins in total and they are already selling for $10-$15 bucks a pop on good ol’ EBay. Pretty crazy considering what a Big Mac actually costs. Hell, the Mac Coin is seeing nothing but green in this sea of red we are wading in today. It’s the most stable coin out there!!! FOMO!!!! Mac is Mooning!!! Let’s get Mac Tonight back!!!
Pretty clever marketing as it gets people talking. I wonder when a big corporation like a McDonalds will eventually form an actual legit crypto. Only a matter of time, me thinks...
Are you rushing out to snag a Big Mac today??? Lmk in the comments below.
The coin image used in this came from
More on this story can be found here.
Mac Tonight image is from
🍔YES I love it![cash_80_anim_gif[1].gif]([1].gif)
Who doesn’t love a FREE Big Mac?!?
You write well, @blewitt!
Thx my friend.
If a big corporation like McDonald’s came up with a crypto that would be HUGE for us!
Oh absolutely. I think it will happen eventually. We saw HBO’s Silicon Valley introduce an actual coin in Pied Piper Coin. They did an airdrop and was abs is publicly traded. I think “eventually” a big corporation will do something tied to crypto. 🤞
No Mac coin in Asia yet. 😐
Really? That stinks. :(
I thought I read it was being released everywhere. Sorry!!!