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RE: OCDB and Downvotes | A #NewSteem approach

in #busy6 years ago

I love it, and the same FUD spreaders that either reason that human nature is not goodness but wickedness or that the major stakeholders are dumb, greedy or both, wasted absolutely no time to give their opinions mere moments after the hf launched to assure everyone what a failure it "is" while everything else points to the contrary.


Let's show these FUDers that there are more good players than wrongdoers 💪

I was thinking of doing a recap of how the Whale Experiment happened, that was so long ago and such a great example that completely defies all "whales are greedy and stoopid" rhetoric that these leeches shit out by the boatload, o you know what, I just remember that was one of the topics I was going to list in a "topics I'll never write a post about", instead of actually writing it lol.