
It was my pleasure to be able to go through your blog. Good stuff you have here man, refreshing to have intelligence on the platform sans some of the over-the-top retardation that often comes with... nevermind, I won't get into it.

Thank you. I try to keep things at a certain level. It slows things down a bit but at least people can know that if they click on one of my posts it will have a little substance.

Haha I get you. I know I am messing this quote up but George Carlin once said something like "think about how stupid the avrage person and then remember that half of the people are dumber than that" lol. This being the internet and a place where people can mostly speak freely, there is going to be plenty of retardation floating around.

I write in some topics that can easily border on the crazy side of things and can stray into conspiracy land. I don't think it is too much of a stretch to say the wealthy and powerful in the governments and media are dishonest and often work against our interests but I do think things get pretty silly when people start claiming that this is due to lizzard people, secret societies, or what have you lol.