live happily without usury

in #busy7 years ago



Lately a lot of asked japri via FB, WA, BBM, etc. about RIBA. On average they are having a problem, either want to resign from the bank but it is difficult, or want to escape from usury debt but ga know how because it has no assets, etc.

In the end, the question arises, something like this:
"Mbak, have a solution ga, how can I nglunasin RIBA debt?"
"Mbak, there are ga roughly people who can minjemin money to cover debt usury?"
"Mbak, if resign from the bank, trus work where? Still have debt because"

GLEKKK ... !!!
(Senyumin ajah ...) 😊

Mbak, Mas, Pak, Bu ,, So far we-we who voiced Anti RIBA, does not mean we have a concrete, real solution, which can "Blekkkk" give money, work,

But, what we do is how to think the same, that "RIBA is WRONG, RIBA is HARAM, RIBA it's a BIG SIN".
So that we can be mutually remind each other to not (again) falling RIBA, whatever the form.

Speaking of solutions, in fact God is the best solution giver, terjitu .. Allah said:
"Whoever is devoted to God will undoubtedly make him a way out, and give him sustenance from an unexpected direction. And whosoever put his trust in Allah will suffer him "(Ath-Thalaq: 2-3)

God's Word:
"Make patience and prayer as your helper, and verily that is hard, except for those who are devout," Those who believe that they will meet His Lord, and that they will return to Him. " (Surah Al Baqarah: 45-46)

Tu ,, in the Qur'an alone obviously, if God gives good news, will not let us get into trouble alone, because God has GUARANTEE the way out.
The problem is, we just want to obey or enggak? Want taqwa or enggak? Want to be patient or not? (Ahh, his theory is easy mah Klo cuman ngomong gitu doank mah bsa .. Ente gembar ngembarang ngelarang people to take RIBA but ga want to love the solution .. then how ya concretnya .. ??

Is there a nyinyir, 'mbatin', 'ngomyang', 'mbebeki', like that .. ??
Adaaaa .... !!! Banyaaakkk ..... !!
😄😄 Gini yes ,, human tasks are reminiscent of each other, telling you what is true is right, what is wrong is wrong. It is not the human domain to provide the right solution. Because there is no postulate that says: "Convey and help give way ...". There is "Submit ..."
But, if we can finally help, it must be MUCH BETTER .. 😊

Allah SWT says:
"Call (humankind) to the way of your Lord with wisdom [firm and true words that can distinguish between right and the fool) and good lessons and dispute them in a good way. Your Lord is He who knows better than who is lost from His ways, and He is the one who knows the guided. "(Surat an Nahl: 125)

But, there are some TIPS that can be done to be free of RIBA:

  1. Taubat Nasuha & Banyakin istighfar Rest your sins and never repeat them again.

  2. Improve worship Worship must not be too far (prayer, fasting, etc.). Pray on time. The men, get used to the maasjid. Plusss ,, dtambahin tuh, worship sunnahnya (rawatib prayer, sabin-kamis fasting, alms, etc.)

  3. Build communication relationship (again) to colleagues, old friends Can start looking for friendlist in FB, hello "hi, how are you?" "what's the activity right now?", etc. So there are opportunities that we can take there.

  4. Expand Entry Insights in Muslim business communities, which can help us get relationships / networks.

  5. Much Assessing Science Follow the existing study. The theme can be various. Starting from tauhid, aqidah, muamalah, etc .. If we've been ngaji, definitely temen-temen many sholeh. So God willing, many of them are talking about religion. Moreover, the legal obligation tuh, find the laws of fiqh, so that if we want to open a business, or anything, already bener-bener according to the Shari'a alias ngeRIBA and not doing other transactions yanh banned (Gharar, Maysir, etc.)

  6. Hanging out with Friends of a Vision Many-many meet, sharing with friends who have the same goal: HIJRAH. In order to strengthen each other. Hijrah is easy, which is difficult ISTIQOMAH 😊

  7. The Most Important: Sure God is the same, if He is All-Majesty.
    God is the Giver of Sustenance. He is the one who determines what human fortune. Dosage, quantity and blessing. Our task is to obey and follow His command, stay away from the Prohibition. .
    Deketin Allah terusss .... Definitely whatever he wants, would be deh .. KUN FAYAKUUN ... !! .
    So, Udah ready for HIJRAH from RIBA ... ??? If not now, when again .. ?? While there is still a lifetime lhoo ...
    ☺☺ Salam Hijrah ... !!!! .