Free and Easy ways to get more clients to your fitness classes

Running group fitness classes are a great way to make good money and reach a lot of clients in one hour. When you charge a set price per person it will really increase your business revenue.
a) Get out and chat to potential clients – it’s the easiest and most cost effective way to reach out to more people. When you’re in the gym get chatting to the type of clients your fitness classes are suitable for and drop into conversation that you offer a class that would be great for them.
b) Join groups that your target market might attend – in particular mother and baby groups often have a huge turnout so contact the organisers and ask if you can come along and talk about your classes and offer exclusive deals. You can also offer to advertise their group on your website if they let you.
c) Buddy up session – If you normally charge a set price per person for a class try a one-time offer that for one session each client can bring a friend for free. This gets the people into your class and usually when someone enjoys a class they come back as a paying customer.
d) Offer free advice – A good idea is to approach a local health store and ask if you can come in for an hour a week and offer free advice to their customers. By doing this you are connecting with more potential clients and can offer them your card and direct them to your website for information on your classes.
e) Offer a totally free first session – although you are paying for rental of the studio or hall it costs you nothing to offer the first session for new clients totally free. As long as you have a good base of regular clients this will not cost you anything. And it’s a really great advertising tip as people love anything that is free!
f) Give a time limit to offers – it’s a common sales technique that was devised by psychologists if people think there is a limited space or time to snap up a product or offer they are more inclined to purchase. This is how many “voucher” sites produce huge sales figures as people buy because they do not want to miss out.
If you regularly do the things above and change up the offers that your provide then you find that clients keep coming back and they also bring friends and tell others about your business. Make sure that you put all the offers on your website that people can see what you are doing and that you broadcast short term offers on Twitter and Facebook. Even if people sign up to a free session and don’t come back – they may tell someone else about it and you can gain clients this way. Remember to always keep it fresh and try not to copy your rivals – but check their sites to get ideas and tips on how they get more clients through the doors.