How To Make $10k A Month The Old Fashioned Way
Today marks the 48th day in a row that I've been in Thailand. When I came here, I had the idea that I would find a way to support myself so I wouldn't have to go back to a real job. I gave myself 5 months to make it happen.
I had a few Instagram pages with some dropshipping stores attached, and figured that I could make AT LEAST $50 a day just by posting products.
Things went well at first, but I quickly got bored. But I kept going, because being bored is better than working at my old job.
Anyway, somewhere along the line I heard someone say that the fastest way to make a lot of money is to email 50 businesses per day and offer them a service.
People are broke - but businesses have money.
Think about it: you're not going to spend $4k/month on anything, are you? I know I'm not. In Thailand I don't even spend $4k/month TOTAL.
But businesses will drop thousands on a monthly basis to keep the machine running. They pay employees, buy inventory, pay for office space, etc. And do you know what every business out there wants?
More sales. They all want more sales. They want more customers. They want more money.
People don't start businesses because they want to change the world. That's just a lie that they tell you to distract you from the fact that they want your money.
People start businesses because they want to make some fucking money. They start businesses because they're sick of their idiot manager telling them what to do. They want the freedom to do things their OWN way.
And most importantly, they want to get paid. And not just college student $13/hr studio apartment money. Big boy money. $100 haircut money.
Being the boss is stressful. You think it's easy running a business? You think it matters to your boss makes $250k/year if he's works 16 hour stressful days, 7 days a week? If he's 20 lbs overweight and going prematurely gray?
I'm telling you, that shit doesn't matter. But it's better than the alternative.
Anyway... how did I get on this topic? I don't even remember. Is anyone even reading this? I can never tell with all these random Pakistanis posting useless comments, 'hey great profil bro chek my page upvote plz.'
Amateurs. Gotta be more smooth if you want to get my $0.08 upvote.
Ah right, so the point of this is that you need to sell marketing services to businesses.
How to sell marketing services for dummies
You can literally pick any form of marketing, call/email a company, and be like,
"Hey, I really love your business. But I noticed that you don't have a subreddit/Twitter/Instagram/email marketing/Medium/Steemit/whatever account. I am a professional marketer and can help you grow and manage one. If you're interested, let me know."
Make a nicer version of that and email it to 50 people a day and I promise you'll get some customers. For one thing, literally every business owner thinks the same thing about social media:
- It has a lot of potential
- They need to be more active on it
- They have no idea how to do it
- They can't find anyone to do it for them
- They hate doing it themselves
Do you see how this might be something you could potentially market to them?
Business owners are stressed, busy people that don't like to learn new things. They'd rather pay someone to do it so they can go back to being stressed about whatever they're stressed about.
You don't have to do social media. You can do whatever you want. But the advantage of selling social media services is that nobody knows how to do it and everyone hates trying. Kind of like being a garbage man.
And it's also retardedly easy to do as well. You might have to spend a little time learning how to do it, but you're not writing software here.
Give them the strategy for free - charge them for implementation
If you're going to send an email, it needs to get their attention. I'm a big fan of putting SO MUCH information/proof in the article that the guy getting it is like, "Wow."
For example, my first email to a new client is 700 words. Seem like a lot to you? It's not.
Think about it: when you get an email, or a text message, you read the whole thing, don't you? Most people do.
The people who get these emails are going to read them.
Also, in those 700 words I lay out about 5 strategies that I would use to grow their company, 6 things they should NOT do as well as resources they can use to accomplish the strategies that I gave them.
So basically I tell them what to do and how to do it. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know. But it works because it shows them that you know what you're talking about.
Also, when you write a 700 word email (nicely formatted with some bold words, numbered lists and different sized fonts), it also shows that you're capable of writing 700 words about something. Part of the service I offer is article writing, so that comes in handy.
Speaking of article writing, I link to about a dozen Steemit articles that I've written in my email as well. Just more proof.
Rome wasn't built in a day
Now, I didn't sit down at my computer and crank out this divinely-inspired email on my first day. My first email was garbage and I'm surprised people even responded.
But you know, you tweak things, change a word here, add a little formatting... and before you know it you've got a 700 word behemoth that you know you can send out to a potential client and get them excited about what you're selling.
Just take your time and get started. Like with anything else, the "secret" to being good/successful is just to spend a few hours learning how it's done and a few hundred doing it.
Pretty soon you'll have a new problem: too many clients.
I can't wait until I know enough to write THAT article.
What do you think about my little strategy for getting new clients?
Actually I don't care. Just tell me I'm right.
Can't get enough of me? Follow me on Instagram!
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- How To Grow Your Personal Instagram Page To 5 Billion Followers
- Watching This Video Will Make You Want To Move To Thailand (And Not For The Hot Estonian Chick, Either)
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Keep it up!
All the best!
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I have a question too: How do you avoid being labelleled as a spammer?
Bro, if you get famous enough to be labeled as anything then I congratulate you. Your problem isn’t being labeled as a spammer. Your problem is nobody knowing who you are.
It’s like the creepy guy vs player rule. Ugly guys get labeled as creepy when they hit on girls,
Good looking ones are just girl crazy
This post has been resteemed by @talhadogan thanks to: @yallapapi
Haha you rock! loved your rant!
Great article, have been thinking the same way for a while, am in Cambodia right now, just left thailand.... and super motivated to start a location free business.
Upvoted, Followed, resteemed ! Cant wait to see more of your articles
I must upvote but I'm sorry my voting power is low
You are unique!
Can I get a copy of your 700 words? Just to read and write mine
Bold! love it!
Yeah i wouldn't mind a copy as well.
There are quite a few website you can get that great templates for free
That was a really cool idea . usually people just stay in their bed and think I wanna be a millionaire but that ain't gonna happen in a day. you have to strive hard. Loved your business plan for marketing. And I too post on business topics if you can just have a look at it I would be glad .
Checked out your article, pretty cool. Waiting to see your new posts!
Nice business strategy
Good post thanks for sharing
Nice strategies and secrets disclosed. Keep up good work. #steemit @abdulemarketer
Shit I didn’t even read most of this but you get my thumb up your bum for the solid effort you put in. Papa bless.