You Must Know This Before Starting A Business

in #business3 years ago

Starting your own business is a dream that everyone has.

Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

It's like waking up every morning and doing what you absolutely love.

But unfortunately, only a few of us do really become business owners, most of us will never leave the comfort zone of being an employee.

For those of you who are absolutely serious about finally quitting your job and turning your business idea into a reality, here are 5 things to consider before you start, because starting a business isn’t as great as it sounds!

First, business is not fun, a lot of people have absolutely wrong ideas about running your own business.


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

It’s not what you see in movies, it's not fun at all, in fact, it's absolutely boring.

And in the process, you will often meet so many assholes that you wish you hadn’t started this business in the first place.

When I entered the real estate business I was super excited, but as soon as I started renting apartments, I came across people that I wish I didn’t.

I can write a 100k words long article just talking about what kind of stupid people I met just in the first few months of the business.


Photo by Alessio Zaccaria on Unsplash

It was more like a hell than fun.

If you do not develop your social skills, if you do not learn how to be patient and control your anger and stress, you will be out of business in no time!

Yes of course there are some great moments in business, especially when you just get your first deal, but these are just moments that happen rarely when you hit a certain milestone or finally achieve that goal!

But most of the time, you will be faced with a lot of boring work!

  1. Secondly, You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

There is a common misconception that if you want to start a business, you have to come up with something absolutely new and unique which is not true at all.

In fact, the chances that your new idea might fail are higher than you think!

The best way to start a business, especially when you are just a beginner is to take an existing business idea that seems to be working successfully, add to it your own flavor and kick it out!


Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

Because this business idea is already proven, all you have to do is to put in the hard work and you will most likely succeed.

That's why you find most tech companies follow the path of apple!

Since apple is the leader of its industry, it can take the risk to test something new but other smaller players can't afford that risk, that's one it's only when Apple Launched iPhone 10 with that notch, Other tech companies quickly copied!

  1. Thirdly, you don’t need a lot of money to start a business.


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

It's not new that businesses need a lot of cash to survive, you have got to pay the rent, salaries to your employees, and a bunch of other bills.

But that usually happens when the business is proven to be successful.

Most small businesses do not need a lot of money to be started, especially if it's an online business, what's required at the beginning of the business is the handwork to get it to the point where it starts generating income.

Don’t scare yourself with the idea that you should first save hundreds of thousands of dollars before you start.

Remember, in the beginning, you are the manager, you are the salesman, you are the lawyer, you are the accountant, you are everything that the business needs, that's how you start a business with minimum expenses.

  1. What matters only are the results.


Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

I guess the main reason why most businesses fail in the beginning is that people give up when they put in so much effort and don’t get anything in return.

As an employee you have a logical understanding of how you make money, the more hours you work, the more effort you put the more you must be paid, and if you are not paid enough, there is no point in working harder.

But that logic doesn’t really apply to business, Let me tell you a secret, in business, your clients don’t really give a damn about how hard you work, what matters at the end of the day is if you are getting results.

Some people complain that look, I have put 20 hours to make this video but no one is watching it, youtube is broken, and it's unfair!

And then they give up because they don’t understand that in business, what matters are only the results!

  1. And lastly, ideas are worthless without execution.


Photo by FORTYTWO on Unsplash

We all come up with ideas that might change the world, everyone is good at dreaming and coming up with revolutionary ideas.

People quickly overvalue their business because they think it's absolutely unique not understanding that, ideas are worthless if they are not turned into a reality.

Never delude yourself that your business will succeed because you have got a unique idea.

Thousands of people probably came through that idea before and your idea will be worth more only after it’s executed and proven that it actually works!


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In summary, the point wasn’t to push you away from starting your business but rather to encourage and tell you a little bit of what you will face so that you get prepared!

And now it's your turn, what business would you love to start? Lets me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next one.


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Peace & Love!

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