Warren Buffett said last year his company's profits increased by 29 billion dollars because of the tax reform of trump

in #business7 years ago


In December last year, a tax reform proposal for Republicans was approved by the US Congress to reduce the tax amount from multinational companies to 35 percent.

Buffett has the advantage of this process, but one of the world's top wealthy people have been opposing such reforms since the beginning.

In a letter to investors, Buffett wrote that, nearly half of the company's profits in 2017 came from tax reforms.

"What we did in Berkshire, a large part of the profit did not come for him. We received 36 billion dollars for Berkshire's operations, the remaining 29 billion came in December last year, when the US Congress wrote the tax code of the US again, "said Buffett.

Analysts previously thought that multinational companies would benefit from reforming the US tax system.

Last month, British Bank Barclays predicted that Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway would get the most benefit due to tax reform.

They said, at the beginning of the first half, Berkshire's earnings increased steadily by 12 percent.

Although multi-millionaire profits are huge, many indices indicate that although Republicans say another.

Their claim, tax reform is contributing to the economic growth of the United States.

The trump administration saw the tax reform passed in the US congress in late 2011 as one of the greatest achievements.

The US President also called it 'the biggest tax reduction in US history'.

Because of the new reforms that have expired till 2025, the lion's share of taxpayers has to be paid less.

Buffett, on the other hand, has more money for the rich; The Trump administration preferred an alternative offer rather than tax reforms, commented on The Billionaire.

According to a BBC report, nearly 3,67,000 employees are working in freight trains, major insurance companies, real estate, media and multinational company Berkshire Hathaway and its worldwide spreading organizations.

For four decades, the company's top position has been replaced by Buffet, the company has changed its fortune.

Fortune Magazine's richest person in the world, the US has the richest place at number three. He is behind Microsoft's Bill Gates and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, with over 87 billion dollars of assets.