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RE: How to prepare for a Presentation/Speech

in #business8 years ago (edited)

I went to a tech conference in London the other month to present for SolarCoin. Another member of the community had booked the event but had to do another presentation so I was covering; when I got there I was on the main stage, which was about 10 meters wide with three huge video screens behind it, professional soundstage, lighting rigs and full-on TV cameras. Id estimate there was about 400 people in the audience, I had to present this other guys slides, gulp!
I think it went ok, I was intimidated but I remembered one rule a presentation expert gave me; bigger crowds are easier!
That seems weird, but think about presenting to 5 or 10 people, your audience aren't going to be too scared to speak up, ask difficult questions or even be critical. In a big crowd, most people aren't going to poke their heads up too much, they have the same performance anxiety you do :)


Waw! That is a large audience. I have found the same thing and it always depends who I present to also. For example if I present to my research group I have no worries. But as soon its someone who I value their opinion I suddenly get stage fright.

I remind myself even professional actors get stage fright! Presenting isnt natural for me, but I have learned to deal with it and even enjoy it to some extent when Im passionate about the material.