When You've Had Enough - Quit!

in #business6 years ago (edited)

Life is a grind for most people. A string of compromises. Sometimes we put ourselves in situations where we are required to compromise more than we can stand. It seems like it happens "all of a sudden" - but when we continue in an a situation where we are making enormous compromises - we get enormously stressed and eventually break down.

It's normal of course to have some stress in our lives. Everything we selfishly want as entrepreneurs and humans comes at a price. Sometimes that price is comfort, finances or time. Other times is something entirely different - sometimes the costs are too high to bear.

I was in a bad business partnership once. A common complaint in a partnership is one person feeling like they do more than another. My partner had another (more demanding) business to run - which meant I did 99% of the work for half the money. I would have continued in the unbalanced partnership but he couldn't do his 1% of the business properly - which started to make me look bad. The compromises I was making to continue in that partnership began affecting my personal relationships and it started to take a physical toll. So I quit.

I like to talk about the grind and sticking through the bad - but there's a difference between "the bad" and the bad. If what you are doing is negatively affecting you because of bad stress - get rid of it. If you are stressed because you have too many ideas and not enough time - or too many orders to fill and not enough staff - that's when you push through it - that stress is exciting and fun. If you are an entrepreneur in particular - and you begin to hate the situation you are in - you have to change it. Our most precious commodities in this life are our bodies and our time and if either are suffering because "you've had enough" - its our responsibility to change.

As you mature in business you learn to relax a bit - you don't freak out over every little thing - you don't get coaxed into arguments. There are some situations however that we cant acclimatize too. In hindsight its easy to see when we were involved in situations that were detrimental - but usually when we are in them we can't see every angle. Trust your body - if your body is telling you that you should be doing something else - you probably should be doing something else. You can't sheild yourself entirely from getting to the point where you have "had enough" - but you can learn to recognize the signs earlier which will hopefully save you from wasting anymore time. Guys like Steve Jobs would hang up the phone when they were bored because they didn't want to waste any of their time. The average entrepreneur doesn't have to go that far - but they should never fear cutting the safety cord and quitting something draining.

Know when you've had enough - do yourself a favor - and quit.

Ryan Geddes is a writer and entreprenuer located in Toronto Canada. When he's not writing, hes helping with House&Canvas Furniture Paint.


I found myself in such a situation but to just quit was quite scary so I continued to tolerate the situation.

If you are an entrepreneur in particular - and you begin to hate the situation you are in - you have to change it.

I bought a franchise, invested quite a big sum of money and as soon as I paid the franchise fee, I knew that I had made the wrong decision. True enough, I felt I was totally enslaved in this partnership but I was just too scared to get out. I thought I could make it work and recover my investment & I stayed there for 7 years. When I finally got out, it was a massive relief.

We have been in partnerships a couple of times, it is really best to do things on your own if you can, we have learnt that.

I needed this. I currently work a 9-5 and I'm in school. I've been through many experiences I no longer want to withstand. Today, I was challenged to think about what I truly want for myself. This post gave me clarity. Thanks!

I tried (unsuccessfully) to go to school and work full time at one point. I had to choose between an exam and a business opportunity that required me to be on the west coast immediately. I chose to take the risk and start my career.

I've learned that life is not something you live in the future - its what we're living right now. If "right now" sucks - then you should definitely re-evaluate things.

yeah, school sucks. I wish I had never spent any time in school, and that my parents had homeschooled me. :) I would have been smarter, less in trouble, and I would have developed my talents a lot quicker

Depends what you want to do.. Also depends on who's homeschooling you - in the wrong situation it would probably resemble the "Jungle Book" (which does sound more fun than school).

Yep, would be a lot more fun. There are two important things kids need to learn growing up. How money works, and how to work with people. You figure out these two, you can simply allow them to find out what they like to do, and then help them create a business around it. And they'll be set for life.

We've got 3 kids, and we are homeschooling. Enjoying the process too :D

That's really interesting.. I've read a lot about Americans doing homeschooling - but never a Norwegian. In Canada its almost non-existent.

Good luck with the homeschooling - I like your approach to teaching business fundamentals nice and early. School usually teaches kids how to get a job and make money - teaching them what to do with it is a significant advantage!

Thanks a lot @rgeddes ! Yeah, out of 60.000 kids in every age bracket, there are 600 that are homeschooled. About 1 percent. We enjoy it, and I'm glad that it is still legal in Norway. Many European countries have outlawed it. If that would be the case in Norway, we would have to move.

I really believe schooling is a waste of time, but learning is not. You just have to spend time learning things that you are passionate about. We're excited to be part of the process of teaching our kids to read and write. Not many parents use that luxury.

Although having the "Never give up" attitude is great, It is important for us to know when to quit (or maybe change strategy?). Nice post!

Seems a little contradictory.. but you gotta "do you".

What kind of advice would you give a 23 year old trying to find her way?

Take your time to figure out who you are, and what you absolutely love. Then do it! Life is too precious wasting it on things and people that drain you. Enjoy the now while you do what you love ! :)

I read your introduction.. sounds like you have some of it figured out.. You were smart enough to know when to change things in your life up to this point. Lots of opportunity for those willing to travel - especially someone with a second language! I'd get certified in something like Yoga or Spanish - and take my show on the road if I was still 23! Good Luck!

I just had this experience right now - and I quit! :)

I started a transportation company because my van rental wasn’t doing very well. So as I was creating contracts to get my cars rolling with work to do, and people to work them - I got entangled to work with DHL and had other guys do the same. I wasn’t allowed to use my cars, and my guys hated the lifestyle. It wasted 5 months of my life - and my guys left me too. Still empty unworking cars, and I have to start all over, and i’m not richer for it either.

Know when to quit if you have many projects, know when to say no. I could have continued in that project, but then I wouldn’t have been able to start what I truly love to do 3 weeks ago! My own YouTube channel about relationships!

Good for you. Thats quite a transition from transportation to online video. Best of luck with your new project.

life ain't easy :/

Biaeteful i like this

Fact is, every phase of life is important. Just because you face tough times, doesn't mean you'll remain there. Keep the faith. Stay consistent.

I'm running against the wind and I won't quit

Nothing wrong with a little resistance as long as it doesn't blow you over!

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I just started a new Start Up with which we will develop a new platform on EOS, so that people can monetize their digital work without incurring the same problems that Steem has.
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