10 High Paying Side Jobs

in #business7 years ago (edited)


It’s safe to say that nowadays only a few people are satisfied with their income. No matter how much we make, we always want to havemore moneyto buy everything we want: a new beautiful house, a powerful and elegant car, the latest iPhone or some stylish clothes. However, it’s impossible to afford everything you want if you only have one source of income.
Have you ever considered taking a side job? The benefit of this type of job is that you can do it in your free time – in the evening after work, during weekends orwhenever you’re free. Some jobs let you work from home, while others have a very flexible schedule but still require you to go out. Check out our list of great side jobs and get a steady source of extra income!


Many people in the world know two languages and more. In addition to English, a lot of people are fluent in French, German, Spanish, or even Chinese. If that’s the case with you, you can make some extra money by working as a part-time interpreter or translator.
As a translatoryou can even work from home, but working as an interpreter means you have to attend different events – presentations, meetings, parties – and help people from different countries understand each other better. Find out where the next international event in your neighbourhood takes place and apply for a gig there!



Tutoring is on the rise right now. Adults want to learn some skills that will help them advance at their jobs. Children are encouraged by their parents to study better in order to obtain a better paying job in the future. This is where yourteaching talents come in handy.
To become a tutor you need to have two things: proficient knowledge in at least one subject area and love for teaching. Post a free ad online and advertise your tutoring services. You can teach foreign languages, maths, technical studies, programming – anything you’re really good at



Dressing well is one of the biggest wishes among modern men and women. We spend a lot of money on clothes and shoes, but sometimes buying good clothes isn’t easy at all – the sizes are wrong, the clothes do not fit, or you simply don’t like it. However, if you can design and sew clothes, it can become your new great source of extra income.
Start by creating clothes for yourself, your family and friends, and if everyone likes your creations, you can try selling them online. Then, when more people start finding out about your talent, you’ll start getting orders, and after that you can even quit your main job and become a full-time tailor.


Freelance photographer

Nowadays lots of people own digital cameras, but not all of them can create truly artistic and appealing photos. If your friends and family say the pictures you take always look great, consider becoming a part-time photographer.
You can work in your free time, especially on weekends. Usually people invite a photographerto take pictures of weddings, family celebrations, engagements and love stories. However, you can choose product photography as your speciality and learn to take great photos of various products for online shops and factories.


Phone/computer repairman

These days almost every family owns a computer or laptop, and several mobile phones or tablets. Eventually, some of these gadgets may go out of order. Most people in this situation go to the nearest repair station, where the repair of their gadget can take several days or even weeks.
If you’re good at technology and can repair any type of electronics, pick repair as your side job. Advertise your services online. Then, when someone’s phone or computer is malfunctioning, they invite you to their house where you quickly and effectively fix the problem. Everyone can benefit from this situation: your clients don’t spend weeks waiting for their gadget to be repaired, while you make some extra cash.



We’re not talking about writing books here, although if you feel like this is your calling, more power to you! If you’re good at composing texts, you can become a freelance writer for some online magazine or website. Create blog posts, advertising texts, product descriptions or articles on any subject. The great thing about this job is that it’s really high-paying, and you can work from anywhere you want as long as you have online connection.


Pet sitter

There are so many families that own either a dog or a cat. But what happens when the whole family needs to go on some kind of trip and there is no one to stay with the pet? This is where you can make extra money! If you love dogs and cats and don’t mind having them in your house, you can become a pet sitter – a person that accepts other people’s pets while they’re away on holiday. It’s sort of a pet hotel where you become the owner!


Software developer

This is a side job that requires a lot of skills – you can’t simply become a software developer in a day. However, learning how to create software is a great investment in your future: you can start as a freelance or part-time software developer while keeping your main job, but as soon as you get enough expertise and experience in software creation, you can become a full-time pro! There are a lot of great ways to study software development online, so don’t miss your opportunity to get a new high-paying job!



People will always have celebrations. There are hundreds of weddings, birthday parties and other types of events happening every day. Every celebration requires some food for the guests, but the hosts are usually too busy to cook enough food for everyone.If cooking is your passion, you can become a professional caterer.
How does catering work? First you get an order with a description of the celebration and some requirements for the amount and type of food. Then you prepare the food in your kitchen and deliver it to the place of celebration. And that’s it! You get to enjoy cooking while getting paid, and your clients receive great food for their party without having to cook.


Nail artist or hairdresser

Women always want to look as pretty as possible. This is why you can learn beauty services and offer them to the women in your city. This is a great opportunity to make some extra money: you don’t have to work every day for 8 hours; instead you can work in your free time. Create a small studio in your house where you can style people’s hair or give manicures, andmake your clients beautiful and happy!


Make use and utilize all these opportunities, make a difference in 2018