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RE: Psychology: Persevering... Even When Everyone Else is Quitting and Giving Up!

in #business6 years ago

I think at some point in life you just start swinging and grasp at anything you can anymore if its been nothing but failures. There only so many failures you can handle in life where you keep putting in the time, waiting, trying more, waiting years, and nothing rewarding enough happens from your fruit of labor.

It’s easy to see people around you take the short cuts in life and they suddenly appear from the outside to be the success you always wanted. Expect, most times that just a lie. People want to appear to be successful even if it cost them that very success.

I do tend to hang onto projects for longer than I should. Far behind there reasonable amount of time and effort put in for the small rewards they yield. That is also why I occasionally reevaluate things. Just too many things to do and despite how many hours I give up sleeping it’s never enough. Sometimes you just have to let things go and move on.