Business is basically a vehicle that was built to create and distribute value. It wasn’t created to chase and distribute money. When you try to use it to chase and distribute money it never takes you far. It breaks down along the way. you can now understand why a very big and universal global brand has not arisen out of Africa yet. If you think about it; Africans are the strongest, toughest and the most resilient people in the world. They were literally the labor and energy that built the American and European Civilization. so being hard working and being focus has never been an issue for us.
The issue has always been creating something big that will outlast us. So once in a while you will see a business spring up, grow big but never outlast its first or second generation. The problem and the reason is very simple ; lack of VISION. And it stems from a casual thought a lot of us have; “what else is a man looking for if he is comfortable and can provide everything he or his family wants". So you can see subtly we have been trying to run the economic engine of African with water instead of petrol or diesel which is why it has not taken us far and it is always breaking down at intervals.
Until we are able to produce a Henry Ford; men that start cooperation's because they want to change an Era, we are not going anywhere.
We gotta change that subtle narrative that being in business means am working way harder than everybody else and therefore has a first goal of being way richer in order to make a point. Business is a call.. Like being a pastor, priest or doctor.. Not something you go into because of unemployment. U are not there for yourself!
strive masiyiwa; The Zimbabwean born business global brand emerging from Africa and Aliko Dangote; The Nigerian born richest black man alive. In the 70's some of his mentors called him and said "You have made a lot of money from trading. Why don't you now settle down and build something" this is why you know his name. And the reason why over 26,000 people have a job.
Allow me to borrow those words.. Now you've made money my brother, my sister. Please go and build something!!