Corporate social responsibility

in #business7 years ago


The history of humanity goes back to the times when individuals had to unite to face the adversities that the natural conditions of the planet offered them. Already from that moment, the need for organization of the individuals was glimpsed to obtain results expected by all, to reach common objectives.
Individuals need to live with others, relate to set and achieve common goals. In this way humanity has managed to survive certain stages of history and thus become the manager of this world; However, it is in this context that the different forms of economic, political and social organization that shape societies emerge, from antiquity to the present.

In this sense, the relationship of individuals with organizational structures, be they public or private, generates a series of conditions that regulate these relationships. In this regard, it can be mentioned that the passage from the medieval era to the modern world, brought with it a new scheme of political and social organization called the nation-state, which was evolving through history generating ever greater responsibilities of the state for with individuals and that after the twentieth century moved to private organizations.

Therefore, it should be noted that the exponential growth of democratic models, as well as the unstoppable advance of information and communication technologies, has forced the political system to seek mechanisms to respond to communities (social responsibility), and it is there where ethics as a scheme of ideas about what should be the behavior of man before their peers, understood as the other men or women, who assume a leading role. That is why social responsibility consists of analyzing the social needs of individuals and organizations through a dynamic, systemic and holistic process that allows addressing social responsibility programs under unique criteria, developed from the strategic process of the organization, executing long-term tools aimed at changing beliefs, attitudes and behaviors for the benefit of the target market, the agent of change, society in general, managing to project a positive image before the stakeholders.

Today, this concept of social responsibility goes beyond the limits of the state; the companies also have responsibility before the environmental and social context with which they share their activities, that is to say that the social responsibility is an act of valuation on the part of the organizations, in consideration of each of their actions. In addition, this responsibility must be accompanied by a voluntary criterion, therefore corporate social responsibility does not only imply compliance with a standard only because the state obliges the company, but must be more than an ethical exercise.

It is important to point out that corporate social responsibility, not only refers to the responsibility of organizations towards the external context, there is also social responsibility of the company in the internal context; However, in many companies the criterion of the internal dimension has not been widely developed, as well as some elements of ethical assessment in the management of human talent.

With support of the bibliographical references

Pelekais, C and Aguirre, R. (2008). Towards a culture of social responsibility.
Mexico. Pearson Editorial.

Pérez, L. (2004). Social marketing: theory and practice. Mexico. Editorial Prentice
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Author: @borata