The most difficult thing is accepting the fact, that what has been planned will not work

in #business6 years ago

""Something Happened On the Way To Heaven""

The title above is the title of Phil Collins's song, which was sung in his solo career era after leaving the Genesis supergroup. If you are used to listening to Genesis songs when Phil Collins is still a drummer with Peter Gabriel's lead vocal, maybe you don't like the slightly groovy song. But indeed it must be admitted Phil Collins' ability to adapt to market tastes and embrace a younger generation. Included in the love theme song whose title I borrowed, Phil Collins was able to express it very well, how in life sometimes it can happen that everything that seems to run really well, suddenly turns bad. The parable is like a beautiful journey to heaven. But suddenly something happened, and we canceled going to heaven. And we just need to reflect and hum the Phil Collins song, "how can something so good, go bad ... how can something be right, go so wrong ..."

In business such things often happen. At least I have experienced it. When you first enter the business world. I started smoothly and perfectly. I and my team already have extraordinary dreams, we have shared our dreams with the people closest to us, and gained tremendous support from loved ones. Money capital that is not small is prepared, a very mature plan has been prepared with various scenarios, and business relations are ready to support. We also take action immediately. We rent expensive offices, and recruit employees, and immediately hold various events and seminars to gain awareness. We also live expensive business club membership to promote. In fact, our event always gets extraordinary exposure from business newspapers and magazines. At that time there was no day we passed without seminars and presentations to various large companies. Always appearing in suits and ties, holding various seminars, all applause, interviews, highlighting cameras and photo shoots, making this heart soar, as if "flying towards heaven". Sales seem to be going beyond plans, and big profits are already looming before your eyes. Then "something happened on the way to heaven". There are several new regulatory factors that will hamper the use of our products by our prospects. One by one they also postpone and cancel to use our products. You can guess next. It doesn't make you go to heaven ... hahaha.

In various scales, "something happened on the way to heaven", you may have also experienced. Whether it's a business that was originally good suddenly worsened, love relationships were fine, but suddenly deteriorated, or the project you're working on, which was originally perfect, but suddenly fell apart. If you experience it, in my opinion there are three things you can do:

Accept the fact.

The most difficult thing is accepting the fact, that what has been planned will not work. So sometimes we even waste time and energy trying to turn things around. Here we must be able to think clearly and honestly. If indeed the ship is sinking, then accept the fact that the ship is sinking, not pretending that the ship is fine, and continue to be forced to sail. This is very important, because only by accepting reality, then we can determine the right action. For example, the ship will sink a little more, so we quickly save ourselves, not force it to develop the screen.

Accepting also means not cursing what has happened. Especially being trapped in frustration or even wanting to commit suicide, ouch ... God forbid. Everything happened there must be a purpose. It is possible that your "journey to heaven" is now delayed because God is preparing a greater heaven. Or, there may be good lessons that you must learn on this failed journey, so that your next trips will be easier and more enjoyable.

Accept different by giving up. In this case we accept what has happened. Because it's useless if your mind continues to rebel over what has happened. Want to scream and bang your head on the wall too, what has happened will not be revised again. We can only endeavor, the matter of results is God's business. This is what we receive. But that doesn't mean then we don't do any more business.

By refusing, you may lament or cry over reality. But by accepting the reality, you can start to smile.

Take the benefits.

If something you don't want can happen to your business that originally looked so good, it means that something you didn't think about before. And this is a new thing you can learn. Thus, it is precisely when facing an unwanted event that you are in the process of becoming getting better and better. Of course this will happen if you want to honestly evaluate what things still need improvement. Including honest accept if it turns out that you yourself must be repaired.

Basically we can take good advantage of everything that we initially considered bad. When faced with quiet sales, you can learn to have better promotion and sales techniques. When operating costs swell and your profits are very little, you can learn a lot in terms of efficiency. When you have trouble cash, basically you can learn to save ... hehehe.

Even better if you are able to change things that you initially considered bad, to be something good. For example, a driver who has an accident, rather than lamenting his fate, he can write a good book about safety in a race. Entrepreneurs who are almost bankrupt because of the monetary crisis, may be good speakers in terms of facing the financial crisis. I've also faced this kind of thing. When I was dizzy looking for a way out to pay bills for office space that had accumulated, I got the idea to offer barter rental fees with the software we made.

This is not over.

Finally, you must remember, that you cannot continue to "travel to heaven" today, not because you will never be able to go to heaven. Having almost gone bankrupt doesn't mean that you will forever go bankrupt, not selling it doesn't mean that your product will forever sell. There is a next chance that you can take advantage of. Step back a step is fine, as long as you don't forget to honestly evaluate what you have done, make improvements, and try again.

The word song Lenny Kravitz: It is not over till its over!