SLC23-W3 | Nutrition labels

in #burnsteem2516 days ago


Have you ever been interested in checking the labels or ingredients of the products you buy? Did you know their importance or did you know how to interpret them? Explain your answer

Yes being a student of medical field and having interest in whatever I am eating in my daily life I really like to check labels and ingredients of products what I buy and I use in my daily life.There are proper ways to check labels and for making their interpretation and it have a lot of importance too....

My personal experience

√ It's important to check labels including ingredients and nutritional tables for identifying that is there any allergen or any ingrident present in a product that may cause reaction at your body.

√ Labels are used for identification of number of calories you are consuming and number of macro and micronutrients you are taking through a product.

√ Labels are important to interpret and identify because they may let you know how much preservatives and artificial flavourings you are ingesting which are harmful for your health and in return you may become alert for your health.

Why it is important to identify labels and to interpret them

For interpretation of labels there's a need of following these steps:-

√ Check for list of ingredients and get recognised with names of artificial flavourings and preservatives.

√ Get a know how of nutritional labels in which you should recognise serving size, calories as well as daily values percentages.

√ Interpret and make research about nutritional ingredients which are not known so that you may know about associated risks of unfamiliar ingredients.

√ Lastly there's a need to identify any claims or certifications written at a particular product like it is gluten free or it is organic and check that is that really true by making your personal research on it.

How to interpret labels

Share 2 images where we can see a processed product and an ultra-processed one and explain why you classify them that way


This is lays I am sharing as a processed product

√ When an ingredient is transformed into another form through its natural state to form another product then it goes through different changes so lays is processed product because although it contains simple ingredients but here potatoes are transforming in flavoured snacks by passing through process of slicing, frying and then seasoning.

√ In making of lays different equipments and machines are used so for making lays industrial processing equipment is used including peelers,slicers as well as fryers.More than this salt and palm oil are added ingredients in potatoes for enhancing texture and flavor of lays so that's why I am considering "Lays" a processed food or product.

Why I classified lays as a processed product


Ingredients of lays are potatoes,palm oil and salt


Below I am providing table providing nutritional information of "Lays"

Nutritional information

Average per 100 gram

Energy(kj)&(kcal)2200 and 530
Protein (g)9.0
Carbohydrates (g)48.0
Sugars (g)1.0
Total fat (g)33.0
Saturated fats (g)15.0
Fibres (g)4.0
Sodium (mg)630


This is yellow food colour with brand name five star which I am classifying as an ultra processed product

√ Tartrazine is major and only ingredient of yellow food colour which is synthetic and using synthetic colours in food is quality of ultra processed product.

√ Tartrazine is prepared by combination of chemical synthesis and industrial processing which is ultra processed product characteristic.

√ Tartrazine is an additive source so using additives is property present in an ultra processed product.

√ Tartrazine undergo through process of extrusion, industrial and chemical processing and reconstitution so because of all these reasons I am classifying it in category of an ultra processed product.

Why I classified it as an ultra processed product


It's ingredient is "Tartrazine"CIN. 19140 and E-102


Below is nutritional table providing product information

Nutritional values

Total dye content6% to 10%
Sodium chloride94% to 96%

• Filler is sodium chloride....




Another ultra processed product is COCA COLA which is a soft drink with its nutritional values and ingredients in pictures

√ Coca Cola is a soft drink containing carbonated water,sugars, caffeine, caramel colour and flavourings so these are multiple ingredients and no one is healthy from them and having multiple unhealthy ingredients is ultra processed product quality.

√ Coca Cola is prepared through filteration, pasteurization and industrial processing which all are ultra processed food manufacturing characteristics.

Because of all these reasons I am classifying it as an ultra processed product....

Why I classified it as an ultra processed product

Share images of a HEALTHY product where its "ingredients and nutritional table" are clearly visible. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information


This is a healthy product which is PONS "Extra virgin Olive oil"

• It contains purely Extra Virgin Olive oil as an ingredient


I am providing below it's nutritional table with essential information

Nutritional table of Extra Virgin Olive oil
Energy3382 kj or 822 kcal
Fat91 g
Saturated fats14 g
Mono unsaturated fats68 g
Poly unsaturated fats8.6 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Sugar0 g
Protein0 g
Salt0 g
Vitamin E20 mg

• Top 3-4 ingredients are most important to check product quality that is it healthy or not so it's major ingredients are saturated,mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fats which are healthy fats and they decrease HDL level which are bad cholesterol in body and in return increase LDL which low density lipoprotein and are good cholesterol so in this way major ingredients of this product are improving heart health and providing energy to body.

• Carbohydrates, proteins quantity in this product is 0 because this is oil so it contains most of fats but also contain vitamin E which provides anti oxidant properties to body and hence boost immunity , reduce oxidative stress so another it's a major health friendly ingredient.

My analysis and interpretation

Share images of an UNHEALTHY product where its "ingredients and nutritional table" are clearly visible. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information


This is soya sauce and unhealthy product containing soya bean, wheat, water, salt, vinegar, caramel colour as major ingredients


I am providing nutritional table of highlighting product information below

Fats0 g
Saturdated fats0 g
Trans fats0 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium202 mg
Carbohydrates1.2 g
Dietary fibre0.2 g
Sugar0.7 g
Added sugar0 g
Protein0 g
Vitamin D0 g
Calcium0 g
Iron0 g
Potassium0 g

√ Sodium high content is showing that product is unhealthy because essential components of diet including proteins, fibres, minerals and vitamins are very negligible according to table I have shared.This product may cause hypertension because of richness of sodium in it and can cause nutritional deficiency because there's no healthy ingredients which may boost human health so due to these reasons I am categorising if as an unhealthy product according to my personal analysis and interpretation.

My analysis and interpretation

Make a "SNACK" with the "HEALTHY PRODUCT FROM TASK 3" and explain why it is a good option for you
IngridentsQuantityPictorial demonstration
Olive oilHalf kgIMG_20250307_121145.jpg
Potato2 medium sizedIMG20250306191925_00.jpg
Chickpea flour1 cupIMG_20250307_112656.jpg
All purpose flour1/2 cupIMG_20250307_112722.jpg
Salt1 table spoonIMG_20250307_112752.jpg
Take two potatoes and cut into slices
Cut potato slices in form of fingers as we cut for making potato fries
Add gram flour in potato fingers
Add all purpose flour in potato fingers
Add salt into potato fingers
Add half cup water for mixing all ingredients very well
See how I am mixing all ingredients and marinating everything with eachother
I added Olive oil in a pan and then started frying these finger potato fries



See final look of yummy fries prepared in olive oil

IngridentsSourcePictorial demonstration
Olive oilHealthy fat sourceIMG_20250307_121145.jpg
PotatoHealthy carbohydrate sourceIMG20250306191925_00.jpg
Chickpea flourHealthy protein sourceIMG_20250307_112656.jpg
All purpose flourCarbohydratesIMG_20250307_112722.jpg
SaltMineral source (Iodine)IMG_20250307_112752.jpg

√ The snack I have prepared contains healthy carbohydrates, healthy proteins, healthy fats and healthy mineral (iodine most commonly useful for those having its deficiency) so as this snack contains healthy ingredients that's why they may be enjoyed in this way with mint and tamarind chatni.

√ Snack I have prepared is cost effective, yummy and easy to prepare so I will go for this option as no one would like to prepare a snack that have high cost, difficult to prepare and that don't taste much good.

In this way I think this is a good option for me....

I want to invite:-


Hi, your detailed analysis of ultra-processed and processed products is impressive. The home-made snack recipe sounds delicious option. I'm impressed how you explained the nutritional profile of every product. As I am also a Food Science graduate, I found your content very interesting.

Plus, I'm new on steemit and here to connect with like-minded people.
