Learning challenge s23w4: "I Love My Body /plank shoulder tap and Burpee".

in #burnsteem259 days ago


Today I am happy to share that what I learned through exercise program of this week so let's discuss one by one that how I performed these exercises:-

Plank shoulder tap

• First I keep my hands shoulder width apart just like we do in plank position and my feet was hip width apart.
• I also engaged my core muscles and then I tried to keep my body straight.
• I started performing exercise by tapping my right shoulder with my left hand and then rapidly I switch for tapping my left shoulder with my right hand.
• I continued this exercise according to repetitions which was desired.


• First I stand and then I drop down in squating position and keep my hands at ground.
• From squat position I kicked my feet back in a plank positioning and then I did a push up like movement.
• I rapidly return my feet to squatting position and finally I stand up from this position and repeat this exercise to required repetitions.

Which of these programs is the most difficult for you and what exactly makes it difficult. How did you overcome the difficulty

For me both exercises were very easy when I watch the video from lesson but when I performed plank shoulder tap then It was easy for me as there were very simple steps involved in this exercise.Meanwhile second exercise was Burpee which was difficult for me to perform because it includes different steps like as I mentioned it's positioning above.

Exactly the thing that was difficult for me to to kick my feet back from squatting and to stand again after push up.I think I did a bit of compensatory movement to overcome this difficulty by moving my hands and taking support from hands while standing.This is I have done after practicing but I also felt that with daily 5 minutes practice I can make it perfect for me.

What is your overall feelings at the end of these programs?

My overall feelings at end of program was that I was feeling exhausted due to workout or exercise but I started deep breathing and after 5 to 6 repetitions I was also feeling normal gradually.I was feeling a load especially at my wrist joint at end of program because there was almost a lot of body load in both exercises was at wrist and at shoulder too.

I feel great once I get completely relaxed at end of program after performing both of exercises but still plank shoulder tap was most interesting for me.I performed both exercises which you can see in video below:-

Plank shoulder tap30 taps in total10 seconds rest30 taps in total10 seconds rest30 taps in total10 seconds rest
Burpee5 reps10 seconds rest5 reps10 seconds rest5 reps10 seconds rest

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