SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (DDHH)

in #burnsteem253 months ago (edited)


Hello friends! I'm @drcypto1 from #pakistan and I warmly welcome all of you to my post. I hope that you all will be fine and will be enjoying your lives. Today I'm going to participate in the SLC22-W3. The topic is "SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (DDHH)". Let's start the topic;


Picture is taken from pixabay

Based on what was explained in class, state in your own words and with explanations whether you consider that human rights are respected or violated in your country.Please state, according to the laws of your country, whether Human Rights have the same value as the Constitution of your country, whether they are supra-constitutional, or whether the Constitution prevails over international treaties on Human Rights.

I am a citizen of Pakistan and I love my country so much. If I talk about human rights of my country, then thesw are mostly violated as compared to mention in constitution. I am feeling very sorry to say this that Pakistan has a long history of human rights abuse which include enforced disappearances of citizens, extrajudicial killing etc.

Beside this the government role applying the rules for human rights in response to these violations is also insufficient and not satisfied and those people who do violation mostly feel enjoyment in impunity.

The are specific laws for human rights in Pakistan and human rights have same values and written in constitution.Pakistan, 1973 constitution gives surety of fundamental rights which is all about giving right to life, liberty, and security of each citizen (Article 9).1973 constitution is also significant for providing for protecting human rights by establishing of independent judiciary and National Commission for Human Rights.

But in practice constitution prevailing over international treaties at human rights.Pakistan ratified multiple international human rights treaties which includes International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.If I talk about these treaties then these are not automatically incorporated in domestic law. As an outcome domestic laws and constitution most of the time take precedence at international human rights obligations.

I mentioned any organisation in your region that has jurisdiction over human rights. In your opinion, how useful it has been and how its operation has influenced respect for human rights in your country.Have you or someone close to you been a victim of human rights violations? If so, what was the situation and were you able to assert your rights?

If I talk about my country Pakistan then Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is a jurisdiction at rights of human . According to my knowledge what I have,HRCP is significant in promotion and protection of human rights regardless facing limitations.This commission has documented and investigated for abuses of human rights, providing legal help for victims as well as advocate for policy reforms.


Picture is taken from pixabay

If I talk about this commission then their operations are significantly affecting and influencing dignity,respect for human rights in Pakistan,These are also raising awareness regarding issues for rights of human, providing support for victims and to families as well as for promotion of policy reforms.As an example;

They are contributing to enactment of laws for preventing torture and enforcing disappearance.

If I talk about myself then I have not been a victim of violation of human rights.But I can share a real life experience with you guys!

Around 1 year ago I worked with my colleague (Lecturer) in college where his son was unfortunately affected by abuse of human rights.I also helper family of my friend whose son was subjected for enforcing disappearance.Me and my friend family filed a petition with Supreme Court of Pakistan but still this case is pending and family only received acknowledgement of disappearance of their son and continues for seeking justice.

Case 1

If I talk about human rights of victim then son of women was violated here because of his right to life as it was enshrined in the American Convention at Rights of Human (Article 4)were clearly violated and ignored by assailants.

But if I talk about woman then she was claiming that her own right for living life is violated which is unfounded.Having a right to life is a right for each citizen and individual, and murder of woman's son (No matter it was tragic and devastating)don't constituted a direct threat for her personal life.

If I talk about complaint to Inter-American Commission at Human Rights then it must not be admitted because it is relating to claim of woman that her personal right for life is violated.

If I say that IACHR can consider this scenerio in relation to responsibility for state for investigating and punishing perpetrators but woman own claim lacks in merit So these domestic authorities are already investigating and prosecuting this case as well as it's not wrong to say that perpetrators are serving their sentence.

Case 2

If I talk about this scenerio then rights of human of both victim and his family are going to be violated.

If I talk about victim right for living a life (Article 4, American Convention on Human Rights) is violated by police officers which resulted in his death.Moreover failure of state for investigating and punishing perpetrators which constituted violation of right of victim for justice.


Picture is taken from pixabay

If according to case I talk about rights of family rights then these are also being violated.Obligation of state for investigating and punishing perpetrators which is not only right of victim but also of his family (Article 8, American Convention on Human Rights).


Closing of this case without Identification of perpetrators or to provide justice for family constituted violation of their right of justice and reparation.Right of family for accessing for justice and for participating in investigation which is also being ignored or denied.

I am inviting @suboohi,@moazzamushtaq, @josepha



Hola @drcrypto1!

He estado verificando su participación y me llamo la atención que su publicación y la de @khursheedanwar son muy parecidas, incluso la experiencia planteada de violación de los Derechos Humanos es exactamente igual.

Aquí un extracto de la publicación de @khursheedanwar:


Y aquí el capture de su caso práctico @drcrypto1:


Este es solo un extracto de todas las demás respuestas iguales que tienen las publicaciones.


Thank you @anasuleidy for notifying!

@drcrypto1 why have you copied my post?

You posted 8 hours ago and exactly you copied my post,not a single word is different!I want to ask why?

Could be explain it?

Thank you for finding this @anasuleidy.

And the joke of the week is that @drcrypto1 nominated himself as 'Best Learner' for the Steemit Awards...

@drcrypto1 - what is your explanation for this?

I wanted to get an idea about the topic that is why I had copied @khursheedanwar 's post, and before editing and texting my own content it was aploaded unconciously. I was on my work on my side and freed at 8 pm and recently I have seen your comments.

"This is my true explanation."



@anasuleidy - as a legal person would you accept this response as reasonable ?

I am aware that users are not lawyers and may have little knowledge of certain legal topics and details, which is why the class is written in general terms that are easy to understand and if the student wants or needs to rely on extra content, he or she must give credit to the source used.

Furthermore, any active user with a good reputation, such as @drcrypto1, knows perfectly well that there are many protocols to follow before publishing "unintentionally."

Now what I have to do? I accept that I have done wrong even unintentionally and feeling very guilty.



Please allow me to do work on this platform and kindly restore the credits of your vote on my post. As my this post was in top four of last week's course. This is the link

This is a humble request and I will be very very thankful to you.