The First Coffee 2k18

in #bulletproof7 years ago (edited)

If there was something I did every single day in 2017 and would probably do in this brand-new year is to take a good and comforting cup/mug of coffee to start the day.

Espresso, Ristretto, American, no matter the size or concentration, I prefer it black with No Sugar! <3

I've always been in love with this energy drink. So I decide to talk about it in my first #Steemit post and share a yummy recipe with you.

Last year (yes! 2017 is gone, tks for everything!), I became vegan-friendly and had the opportunity to learn about how food interacts with our body and can change it.

I also learned hundreds of wonderful recipes and foods that I have never met before.

The most delightful and surprising discovery was the Tibetian way to make an amazing coffee. In fact, it's more than coffee, it's a #BulletProofCoffee. This contains a lot of different flavors and good fat too.

bulletproof lineris.jpg

Increase satiety
Reduces hunger
Increases focus and performance
Stimulant and protective stomach
Diuretic and digestive
Improves blood circulation
Decrease fatigue
Reduces fat accumulation because it improves tissue sensitivity to insulin action

Coffee has thermogenic effects that assist in burning body fat and is a natural stimulant.

Coconut oil, on the other hand, provides energy through its medium chain triglyceride MCT source (a type of fat that is readily available)

Star Anise, Cinnamon, Cardamom, and Curcuma has boost effects on digestive health as well as brain health and the cardiovascular system improves and many other properties.

The drink is rich in fat and low in carbohydrate, has a rapid gastrointestinal emptying, provides energy quickly, excellent to be consumed as a pre-workout and not only in physical as well as mental activities.

The coffee can be mixed with good fats like Ghee butter, coconut milk, and coconut oil.
It can be combined with various spices such as Star Anise, Cinnamon, Cardamom and Curcuma, excellent nutritional flavorings.

There are many ways to do it, but the challenge is not to sweeten! Because the taste buds recognize the sweet taste and trigger insulin which will automatically bring you an uncontrollable desire to eat something sweet.

This was another food challenge (among many others) that I put myself to prove: Re-educate the vicious taste for sugars, mainly.

If you go wrong with coffee, have anxiety, insomnia, gastritis or cardiovascular problems, should be careful and always consult your doctor about the right consumption and dosage for you.

My everyday recipe:
1 Cup of Coffee (long one) 100ml
2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil
1 Star Anise or Cardamom pods or just Cinnamon powder to finish it (I like to switch them to have different benefits and flavors)

Make the coffee regularly and then blend it all together until making some creamy foam.
Bon Appetit!

And you, have you thought about your personal recipe?
Share with us! :) & Happy New Year!!!

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Thank you!!! :D


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