How Bulimia Nervosa can be danger for your life

in #bulimia7 years ago

Bulimia Nervosa or Bulimia

Overview of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia

It is a metal illness.In this disease you want to be smart.For that you take abuse laxative .You do vomiting.

The treatment of this disorder is necessary.

bulimia nervosa

Today our topic is Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia.
There are three common eating disorder.
But I will focus on Bulimia Nervosa-Disorder or bulimia.

you can read about another types of eating dsorders?

i.e anorexia nervosa

The things I will cover in this article include:

What is Bulimia Nervosa- disorder or bulimia?
What are the types of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?
What are the causes of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?
What are the sign and symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?
What are risk factor?
What is the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?

What is Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?

Bulimia is a mental illness. In other words it is type of eating disorders. In this disease first people eat binge meal then they get rid of meal by doing vomiting.

They consume abuse laxative or diuretics. They thought laxative is recommended for weight loss. But it is not recommended for weight reduction.Those man or woman are commonly affected who're conscious about weight.

In Short bulimia patients do two things

They do vomiting
Use abuse laxative

1.5% people suffer from bulimia and o.5% male suffer from bulimia

But it will be dangerous for you if you do self-induced vomiting because it is harm for teeth and gums.

What are the Kinds of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?

The types of bulimia are:

Purging type bulimia

In this type first they eat binge food then they do vomiting to get rid of food. They also do other things like they take abuse laxatives, diuretics for weight reduction

Non Purging Type bulimia

Excessive exercising is concerned in this sort of Bulimia nervosa to get rid of food or they do fasting

Doctors might also have problem identifying patients with bulimia because they look healthy.

Who is at threat factor of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?

Frequently girl.
Being ages between 12 and 25 years old.
Family is conscious about weight
Low self confidence
They may be coping with stress
Undergoing stressful occasions like leaving for university, losing buddies, breaking apart with female friend and
Being sexually abused in childhood
Close relatives have eating disorder
Being overweight

Why Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia is common in humans?

In our modern world anyone need skinny and smart woman. Fatty lady might be reject .To get activity first we've to be clever, smart beautiful.

All these things welcome the Bulimia Nervosa.

Note: In case your friend visit bathroom proper after eating, smells of vomit on fingers, they're doing excessive

Exercise. And they may be constantly speaking about weight-reduction plan. They may be taking abuse laxative

Facial swelling or chipmunk face.Then you should talk to your friend.

What are the Sign and symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia ?

The sign and symptoms of bulimia include:

Binge eating
Overuse of laxatives
Self-prompted vomiting
Excessive exercising
Unrealistic body shape

What are the Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia causes?

Causes of bulimia is unknown.

Still there are some things involved. that can become reason for development of bulimia.

These are:

Biology (gene, mind)
Psychology (depression, anxiety)
Feelings (low self-confidence, perfectionism)
Environment (when society put stress on you to be smart)

Who are most sensitive to Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia?


Because women thought,They should be smart .If they will not be smart. They will look very bad. Because of this fear women are most sensitive than men to this disorder

What are the Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia complication?

If you have bulimia. And you are not taking proper treatment. Then it can become dangerous bulimia disorder.

I.e. people who vomit might also have a regular sore throat or heart burn.

Serious worry include:

dehydration, kidney problem and ruptured oesophagus from vomiting,Irregular in heart beat

What is the Bulimia Nervosa or bulimia treatment?

The treatment of bulimia include:

lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)

It is permitted drug. It is used for bulimia patients. It’s going to stop the choice of binge eating.


It is recommended for bulimia patients.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

This therapy is proved a hit in this disorder.In this therapy the principle attention is on people Activities like what they are doing and the way they feel. By way of understanding your state , doctor can lessen you’re eating disease.

Dialectical behaviour therapy
Family support
Support group

You can also communicate to group. who also are struggling equal disease. You may talk about your experience about this disease.

What are the Natural treatment of bulimia?

Natural treatment of bulimia include:

Morning walk
Yoga for your relaxation
Light Exercise
Soft music

“To recover, people with eating problems must completely alternate the way."

Want to read about another dangerous disorder.