Build Liberty Radio is about to BLOW UP!!
Hey everyone. After a week away, Build Liberty hit the airwaves again this weekend. Yes it was Easter and yours truly is a family man, but we just had to make it back on - there's just too much going on in the world today.
So much so that the show was all over the map.
We started out with Frank Bacon, then we had John McAfee - Winston Edmonson came on to do the news.
We covered - MOAB, the mother of all bombs
North Korea - are they full of shit? Will they even exist after this week?
Dildo spies - Hackers Can Easily Hijack This Dildo Camera and Livestream the Inside of Your Vagina (Or Butt)
NSA hacking the international monetary system
Artificial intelligence
Elon Musk - Who does he think he is?
And more.
An update:
We are catching up on our plans to make this show the greatest frickin' show in the history of radio. Podcast links and all that stuff are coming soon...
Found this through Bacon's posts. Thank you for the contribution!

We will promote this announcement @phibetaiota.
Consider having Robert Steele on as a guest soon.
~The Management
Very much rEsteemed! I love your show John!

Thank you for allowing my ART on your program.
Looking forward to the show link soon.