Build Liberty Is.....

in #buildliberty8 years ago

Build Liberty is:
Chris Bates -
Frank Bacon -
Johnny Calzone - (profile pending)
Recurring guest: John McAfee - If you don't know who he is, well we don't need you on the show anyway.

Build Liberty is: THE BEST FKNG RADIO SHOW YOU NEVER HEARD - and we're going places.
Calzone - CEO, founder, security analyst, news personality, former security editor and a founding member of SiliconANGLE.
Frank Bacon - A crypto-fiction author, future founder of a marijuana town, and a troll master.
Chris Bates - One of the FEW people in crypto that is actually changing the world with blockchain.

We started this crypto-experiment several weeks ago, and finally we're back.
This show does what it wants, when it wants, and we will have whatever damn guest we want.
We mentioned McAfee, but we've had an impressive run of guests in just a short amount of time:
Robert David Steele
Aleksandra King
Anton Wahlman
Mark Hopkins (RIZZN)
and the list goes on......

SO - what are we doing here? We are all about connecting to our audience. We've roasted this guy:
Bezos.jpg and this well-known public welfare recipient (and billionaire): 1492510273020700745.jpg
and we've talked about this poor, sick, sick lady from time to time:

We are not:

  • Beholden to anyone
  • Going to sell you powders, vitamins, and shit like that

^ This probably won't be happening on our show - but who doesn't love that energy?
We are:
  • Going to change the radio/online world
  • Going to rattle some cages
  • SO .. Watch this channel.. We'll have our live links, we're sharing our podcasts here, we're going to blow you away with our shit. .. FOLLOW US HERE ** TUNE IN ** and for fuck's sake - Share our posts ...


    Hey nothing against good supplements which actually work and make you better!

    Yea, actually Infowars has some very good stuff... IMHO ; )

    Followed...I will add this to #informationwar resources

    I'm looking to get This Austin Radio Station, BOUGHT OUT!
    And reorganized as a Regional Broadcast Cooperative.
    I SWEAR the entire operation can be

    1 Sourced
    2 Projected
    3 Managed

    ALL From SteemIt activity. What do you SAY?
    Care to TAKE OVER and SteemDrive an FM Radio Station?
    I'll take your silence as a YES! The Papers are IN the mail ; )


    Now this is some good stuff.
    I'm a radio hound and follow The Bacon.
    I'll keep an eye out for your future shows.
    Upvoted and following.

    I just got caught up on my feed here and SAW THIS POST!
    Awesome Work Bud! Highly rEsteemed! Let's get this
    account some followers... @buildliberty is my Day Job Peeps!
    If you support our Show please Follow, Upvote and rEsteem!

    Keep THIS on the Lowdown! I Live WELL off of Credit, I'd hate for "Them" to have to check my credit score out. ; )
