SOLVED! Withdraw and Send From Bitshares and OpenLedger DEX WITH A MEMO!!!!!

in #bts7 years ago (edited)

Hello there Steemians!

Let's talk BTS and Openledger DEX

I help to promote a blog here at Steemit, and I have noticed that there are SO MANY people that are (soon to be were) having the same issues I was having when it comes to Sends and Withdrawals through the Gateway or when a Memo was included. This is a big problem, as you almost always need a memo to send to a Gateway or an Exchange.

I have found help! I am now able to perform all functions previously not working for me on the DEX!

Credit to the admin Fav on the Bitshares Discord channel!

Here is what I was, and many people still are, experiencing....
You try to send or withdraw any currency with a memo, and all looks good. Then you click send or withdraw.....and nothing happens.....AT ALL. This has been going on for over a month for me, and I have seen many posts about the same issue.

Looks like this:

When you click send, it looks like this:

Haha....nothing changes.

So after troubleshooting with Fav, I saw in my browser console that the memo send was getting an error like this:


I parsed some of the text there obviously, but you get the picture. So Fav went in and looked at my account, and AH HA!
Somewhere in time, I was backing up keys, and created a secondary key! This was somehow causing the software to not allow the transaction with a memo.

Go to
and set up a new account......yes, you will have to lose your favorite BTS user name....but Hey, I got a much cooler looking logo for my new one!

Make sure you back up your new account, test a transaction between accounts....BE SURE you have access and your keys and all that good stuff you can't lose!!!!

Then, on the account with unaltered works!!!


Then I click Send......(also works with withdraw...I tried):


Now the final test.....CONFIRM:


It's as simple as that! Big Thanks to Fav on BTS discord channel! I hope this helps all those out there who have been stuck with no solution like I was myself for so long!

Please Upvote, and Resteem to help others stuck with this issue!


Good to know. Thanks. I haven’t had this issue

Just don't ever mess with your keys and you should be good. Honestly, I don't even know how it happened, so it must be somewhat easy to make that mistake if you get into your keys.

Scarlet if possible has anyone posted a video with an ABC on setting up an account on DEX, I did previous myself but actually found it fairly confusing and wasnt confident with it to use, tried youtube and didnt really find a good explaination mostly people explaining sections of certain functions. Would be most grateful! :)

I'll make one....Maybe Haejin will share it for everyone to reference that's coming green on the DEXs. I'm at work, so it might be a day or two, but we'll see what I can get done today. Good Suggestion.

Looking forward to the video, I don’t find it easy either. It’s taking me quite some time to learn.

Thank you so much Scarlet, just found it confusing and I am sure many will benefit from that one on here! Take your time :)
P.s enjoying your imput as well..

TY nice instructions. Happy with everything Larimer when it comes to crypto projects. Bitshares really has the momo ❣

Pardon my ignorance. Is DEX an exchange? Would all the ALT coins have it's own wallet to send and save after buying from the exchanges? Please help! I have few ALT coins sitting on the exchanges. Any help or link or a post to read would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

DEX stands for Decentralized Exchange. Bitshares and OpenLedger are both DEXs. Visit to see what's going on there. Lots of guides out there, don't have one handy, but shouldn't be hard to find.

Strong work @scarlet7. You are a great asset.

I loved that last screen shot. Bitshares $0.23. Oh man, remember those days when BTS was under a quarter??? In the distant past, yet feels like it was just yesterday....

Hahahaha, it was yesterday! That made me laugh alot!

I know it was ;)

You think I'm strong enough an asset to tokenize myself on DEX?

Thanks for explanation!

But looks like this is not my case. I got withdrawal issues with OpenLedger. Almost two months ago I tried to send out open.BTC and it got stuck in OpenLedger gateway. Transaction went through and got registered in transaction history but BTC not. Support issue still not solved. 😢

All other BitShares DEX transactions are still ok, just OpenLedger gateway does not love me.

Ahh, in that case they have posted notices that your transaction IS SAFE.....just not available. They also noted that BTC and ETH transactions that got stuck are priority.

I hope so, too. 🙏

I had a really stupid issue on blocktrades (my keyboard set me up, I thought I had copied the memo but NOT, and so I copied something else and the transaction got mislaid...) - so I mailed support and this very efficient blocktrades guy Dan Notestein helped real fast - it may take a few hrs at night time (east coast). He simply refunds the transaction, and you can decide what next to do,

I never knew this was a problem, I looked at it and it seemed rather self-explaining ? Have been using it excessively these last two months, but I'm not into either steem or bitshares right now... its thimples ;)

Yeah, I've seen many people report the same issue, and when I contacted the Admin, there was someone else trying to solve the exact same hopefully those who need to see it will see it!

Is a decentralized exchange better than using binance?

I really like Binance myself.....but mostly for these forward thinking and rewards for holdings on their platform. Also, when China was doing the bans, they said Nope! We're moving our servers out of China! They listen to their customers, and they help quickly, and are very concerned whether or not your issue got resolved. The volume is way up from when they started, another positive. I live in the US, and I anticipate regulation on the people using Centralized Exchanges. That being said, I try to stick to DEX.

The other thing about DEX is it's much easier to hide yourself if you desire to do so....and it can't be shut down unless all the nodes just stop running....not likely ever. I don't wan't my assets ever frozen due to an executive order or something while I'm sleeping, and wake up to a big problem. It just seems more prudent to use a DEX....especially since all these currencies are based around being decentralized....kind of makes sense on that level.

It depends on how often you trade, where you live, and what you might think is coming next in this realm.

Personally, I really like Binance, but I try my best to stay off CEX unless I need it to shift funds around for whatever reason.

I do not know about binance, but comparing to biggest exchanges, like, Bitfinex or Poloniex - BitShares DEX is not very useful right now. It has very little volume and prices are higher.

Not useful must be a subjective experience. I make more money on DEXs than any other exchanges, no question about it. I also get assets at much lower prices than most CEXs....then I go sell them to the CEX people who will pay more for them. I'm sorry you've had that experience. I will say if you're looking to day trade all day, that's probably not the best place to do it, but otherwise I see the BTS DEX as a huge advantage over trading on CEX. Prices might be higher at times, but generally I get a better deal with a little patience, and the price always levels out to normal if it is high or low.

And shoot, the other day Kraken and Bittrex BTC prices varied by over $1000.

This is helpful. Although so far bought my BTS on a exchange and they have frozen they wallet. Can still buy/sell but cant send them to a wallet elsewhere, dont know why they have done this...

Poloniex used to do that on high demand days. Just HODL and wait when the market calms down.