BTS new world record in daily transactions

in #bts6 years ago (edited)

According to BTS has nearly doubled our STEEM record of 2.5 million transactions (tx) in a single day.


The new world record of daily tx belongs to BTS with 4,817,604 tx (STEEM record is 2,522,380 tx)

Any ideas why or how BTS more than tripled their old record in this short amount of time and in the current BTC downtrend? Post them in the comments.... BTS is still @ 4mill tx today which is a lot!

UPDATE: Thanks to @taskmaster4450 we now have a plausible explanation. He wrote in the comments:

It was posted either in a telegram group or on twitter. A number of people were referencing it as it (BTS tx pump) was happening including on here. Then it came out that one of the witnesses had a script that ended up spamming the chain.

But somebody is still spamming the chain, as today was over 4mill tx again!


This could have been some really great stuff if it was an actual spamming of the network beyond the technical definition. I mean the network barely felt anything at all. Somebody should do a massive coordinated spamming session on STEEM to hit 20 million Tx. But then again, that still would be using less than 2% of the Tx capacity. DPoS is so good you can't even properly spam the network.

It wasnt real. One of the nodes had a transaction loop going. Whether it was a test or an error, I never found out.

The big thing is that it handled the volume without even hitting 1%.

That blockchain can handle a lot of traffic.

How do you know it wasn't real?

It was posted either in a telegram group or on twitter.

A number of people were referencing it as it was happening including on here. Then it came out that one of the witnesses had a script that ended up spamming the chain.

Thx for info.

I saw it too. These last few days BTS was on top. But then it dropped to about 600 000 transactions in just a day and then back up again. Seems very weird and manipulative.

I heard something before that transactions would go up I think, not remembering directly what the reason was. I wonder what it will do to the price in the long run.

Si tienen información validada por favor compartirla por esta vía creo que BTS es una blockchain bastante robusta

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