Step By Step Guide On Claiming BitcoinCash from Mycelium Wallet

in #btc8 years ago (edited)

Mycelium is one of the best secure cross platform wallets available. So, it's no brainer many Bitcoin hodlers chosen it to store their Bitcoins during HardFork.

However, with Mycelium there is no way to claim BitcoinCash airdrop.

So, today I am gonna show you step by step by tutorial on claiming BitcoinCash — if you stored your Bitcoins in Mycelium.

Note: Screenshots given here are from Mycelium android wallet, there might be difference on other platforms.

1.Open your Mycelium wallet. And get Master Seed of your wallet.

  • Click on three dots on top right corner and click on Backup. Give a hell yeah to the confirmation message.

  • On next screen, it will show you 12 words one by one, make sure to write them at secure place.

  • Once you're done, Mycelium will ask you to confirm the words again.

2.Setting up things

  • On next screen, enter the Master Seed that you got from Mycelium wallet. And leave BIP39 Passpharase box unchecked.

  • Set up strong password on next screen, and click next.

  • Select Bitcoin from the list.

Your wallet is ready. You will see your Mycelium Bitcoins here.

3.Claiming BitcoinCash

  • Click on the top left menu, then click on + COINS and select BitcoinCash.

A pop dialog will appear, click on "Advanced Settings", in derivation path enter:


that's zero BTW

In description you can write whatever you want. In password field enter your password and click on add.

That's it, Let wallet sync and you will see BitcoinCash equivalent to Bitcoins in your wallet.


Thanks! This also works for collecting Bitcoin Gold from the same Mycelium address, the only difference is using Bitcoin Gold from the +Coins instead of Bitcoin Cash. Same M/44H/0H/0H in derivation path.

Thanks for your help, most appreciated. Even I was able to get my bch and btg.

You explained it quite easily with pictures.

Thank you!

BTW, This same process works with importing Bitcoin Cash tokens from a Mycelium Wallet also:

  • go to Coinomi wallet,
  • add currency, select Bitcoin Cash,
  • then advanced and enter the same text in the derivation path as instructed here for BCH:


I have an older Mycelium Single Address. When exporting to get the private key, it shows a much shorter string with no "xpriv" prepended to it. This has made the "Restore a Wallet" option unavailable for Coinomi. Sweeping seems to be the only option available. Will this only move my BTC or will I be able to access my BCC too?

I have no idea, sorry!

Did this option work for Your Single Address?
You swept Single Address mycelium wallet from Coinomi, and were able to get your BCC??

No it doesn't work for that kind of wallet.... still looking for a solution to that. Ridiculous that Mycellium offers zero help for that. Non-HD Mycellium encrypted paper wallet. There must be a way but, how is taking a while to figure out.

You are the best mate! :) Appreciate it!

THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure out how to do this with Mycelium.

The main problem I'm facing though is the fact that I'm running the IOS version. It's a little less developed but I think I should still be able to get the seed words.

Coinomi doesn't work on Iphones though. Do you have another recommendation on where to claim Bitcoin Cash?

Yes, Coinomi is only available on android devices.

You can get cheap android devices, try it. Imo Coinomi is simplest way to claim BCH. Still if i come across something will let you know :)

I can 't afford to get a new phone right now. Thanks for the info nonetheless!

Thank you this was super easy and worked really well for me.

On a side note Coinomi has very clear instructions that did not work for me on how to gain access to bitcoin cash and sweep your mycelium wallet into your coinomi wallet by obtaining the private keys from your mycelium addresses butt only the first private key had a tiny bit of funds in it I checked through over 1000 more private keys and could not find any other funds so that's when I went back to Google searching and searching and found this.

I think how it works when you're sweeping the funds I think you're actually moving them. As opposed to when you restore your mycelium wallet with the coinomi app using the 12 words You're simply gaining access to funds without actually moving them.

Thanks for that, it helped me a lot!

I spent the last couple of days playing around with the derivation paths to try and understand them better.
I was having trouble importing my mycelium wallet because i had many accounts, not just one.
So i found the bip32 derivation paths for the different accounts you have in your mycelium wallet are these:

(This is provided you have restored your Coinomi wallet using the same 12 words from your Mycelium Wallet).

Your first account is account #0, so:

Account 0 is at Derivation Path M/44H/0H/0H
Account 1 is at Derivation Path M/44H/0H/1H
Account 2 is at Derivation Path M/44H/0H/2H
Account 3 is at Derivation Path M/44H/0H/3H and so on...

The logic here is :
M/44H (purpose)
/0H (type of coin 0=BTC & 145=BCH)
/3H (Account#3).

Hope it helps those who try to import their BCH from Mycelium and they cannot see their funds because they have or had multiple accounts!

By the way, it's also possible to use those same derivation paths to access the BTC in your various Mycelium accounts, you just add a new BTC coin with that path in the advanced settings.

This is not a sweep, you access your funds directly like if you where using the Mycelium wallet!

Woa! You can make post on this!

I thought i would do it this week, but i wanted to let people know right now as i found it out because i know many people are stressing about this and can't move their funds around until there is a clear solution out there. And i'm sure many people found your post already here.

Also i know the iOS people are waiting for an automated solution.
Thanks very much libert! :)

I found a great article that explains it very well, it's explained in the small "hints" paragraph:

Hope it helps !

Thank you, much appreciated :)

Thanks so much have been stressing about this for awhile now.

Thank you, I have been looking bout trying to find out how to Liberate my bitcoincash. Not tried it yet but this looks like the best most straight forward methos I have seen. The pictures you have included ae really good too. Thanks again.

If you encounter any hiccups feel free to comment