What to expect if Bitcoin hardfork splits the blockchain!?!?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #btc7 years ago

Soo, we are all here to find out what will happen when the BTC blockchain hardfork occurs... well I don't know and nor does the guy/girl next to you, if they do then please tell them to drop me an email at [email protected] (fake email just in case you are that guy/gal who actually emails me ;) lol.

So in my experience of being in/aware of the industry since its conception (2008/2009/2010 ... pick a year ;)  I know that there is ALWAYS money to be made in these types of events and in some cases serious money! 

You can, with some certainty almost guarantee that if a hardfork occurs where no consensus is reached and the BTC blockchains splits into 2, like all others "before" it, the secondary inferior blockchain that (the current version of BTC now) will still have value but will drop considerably in price just like ethereum did when it left behind poor old Ethereum Classic.

However history shows us that the poor old Ethereum classic is not so poor now is it, hitting highs of over 19 USD, even the inferior coin still has and will almost always gain value. Given value by those who missed the original gold rush!

Therefore when this Hardfork occurs many will be praying that there will be 2 blockchains left behind and the inferior one will be snapped up by those who missed out on the pre $0.10, $1, $2, $10 and $50 days of BTC.

What are your thoughts on the possible outcomes and the knock on effects that could happen?


Therefore when this Hardfork occurs many will be praying that there will be 2 blockchains left behind and the inferior one will be snapped up by those who missed out on the pre $0.10, $1, $2, $10 and $50 days of BTC. --> Wishful thinking! NO way this will happen.... But I am praying as well :))