Brave Browser Founded by Mozilla's Co-founder Files Data Privacy Violation Lawsuit Against Google

in #browser6 years ago

Brave, a blockchain-based web browser founded by Brendan Eich - the co-founder of Mozilla, filed a legal complaint against Google and other marketing companies in Ireland and Great Britain.

This complaint is primarily focussed to trigger a European privacy regulation in the new European General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). GDPR aims to ensure that the user data privacy laws are not being violated at any cost and that the user gets to decide the usage of their data by the companies collecting them.

As per the complaint made, Google and other marketing companies are violating these laws. Brave's chief policy officer Johnny Ryan told Reuters:

"There is a massive and systematic data breach at the heart of the behavioral advertising industry. Despite the two-year lead-in period before the GDPR, adtech companies have failed to comply,"

The complaint additionally states that when users visit a website, their data are being circulated to a lot of other companies without their consent and knowledge.

However, Google has currently denied these claims saying that it has used the data in a way that complies with the GDPR standards.

User privacy has been a greater concern today in the tech world… To continue reading click here.



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