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Think of it as 2.5 oz is better than nothing at all!! It always helped me too some people do not believe it! Have you ever tried lactation cookies? I had some when I was desperate and baby girl was starting to drink more milk. Yes keep me in the loop, no problem :)


Oh gosh!!! Fed little one, pumped straight after... got 1oz in 25 mins!!! Soooo disheartening!! Going to keep trying though as my other half says, don't give up. Gosh its so hard @breastfeedingmom

It's a tough job! definitely look into breastfeeding supplements i can recommend a few that helped me

Which supplements did you use? I do have the mother's milk herbal tea. Haven't used it for a while. May try that again too! @breastfeedingmom

I'm not sure if you ever heard of lactation cookies or lactation brownies but they did wonders for me! I used to drink the tea as well i loved it! and for some time I took supplement pills to increase supply like when I got my menstrual back and noticed a drop in supply. I will attach some websites where you can get the emergency lactation brownies and cookies, you'll come across many positive reviews as well.

Oh wow! Just been on the website and the products look AMAZING. I hadmy cart ready, entered my address and it said they cannot deliver to this address - I'm guessing this is because I'm in the UK!. Such a shame! I was really looking forward to them :-( @breastfeedingmom
Thank you for the suggestion though :-)

Oh no!! Well if you like baking you can look up recipes to make your own lactation cookies and brownies :)