The END of Breast Cancer, please read and share. bsp1

in #breast7 years ago (edited)

Please take the time to read this, could benefit you in more ways than one. The biggest one being it could save yours or a loved ones life.

Hey all if you've read my blog you'll see I said I would introduce you to unknown stocks. The Companies I am going to introduce you to today have been working on this for decades. This product began development in the 1980's. It is what is called the ITBra. It so far has found breast cancer at the CELLULAR level. This is BEFORE it turns into a cancerous tumor/lump/ whatever you want to call it, the thing that can kill you. Currently The ITBra has class 2 FDA approval. They are going for class 1 which will allow them to sell it at walmart, amazon etc etc. And it's going to be insanely cheap vs traditional medical costs for screening etc. It's last I heard gonna be 200-250 bucks. And its yours forever. How cool is that? No More mammograms, no more of any of the bs they put you ladies through.

Company 1
Lifeline biotechnologies.

They have invested over 10 million in the development of this product. They recruited Cyrcadia Health to develop the ITBra. Currently lifeline, stock ticker symbol LLBO is ridiculously cheap at .0020 per share. Not only could this investment make you a buck more importantly you could help these companies with some extra funds.

Company number 2
Privately owned privately traded.

They are currently in the process of launching the ITBra in ASIA where women simply cannot get the proper care for breast cancer. Most of them don't even know to look for it. The mortality rate from breast cancer in other parts of the world is outta control because they just don't know any better. Cyrcadia is working to change that. And working towards the FDA class 1. They are also going for CE marks all that good stuff. Cyrcadia and lifeline based on the findings of several clinical trials believes they can reduce the mortality rate globally to 1% To me that is pretty much the end of Breast Cancer. We will get that last 1% also I believe.

Everyone knows who CISCO is right? They support this product and their product (IOT aka internet of things) will be the driving software behind the ITbra. CISCO spent 1 million making a short film about it.

Now If you are a woman this should really interest you I hope. Pretty sure I'm not gonna meet the one that says nope.. I'd rather wait for the tumor lol... if I do.. well.. lol. damn lol. If you're a man who has a woman in your life why in gods name would you not mention this to her? I mean you do love her right? This could save her life one day.

I have owned LLBO stock for years. I believe in this product and these companies. Awareness needs to spread and rampantly and I'll tell you why. The ITBra communicates with your phone via software. If it detects a problem it notifies your doctor. The FDA knows the bra works I believe but they have just within the last few months began testing and developing methods for testing the software parts of these types of products. The FDA just began testing their first round of devices. The ITBra is not in the first run because the companies simply are not big enough. All the major companies and their masssive money get to go first. Which I think is WRONG on every level. This product should be in the first run because of what it could potentially do for women world wide. This could be humanities first real solid victory vs cancer

As someone who is invested in this company you may be thinking well you're just doing this to try and pump the price. NO. I promise you to me this product getting to market and saving lives is why I am invested and is all that matters. I do not care about the money. I do not believe I will ever sell my shares surrounding this product. They will be passed down when I leave this world. These companies have my 100% support. If I can get my crypto assets to make me the money I think I'm gonna make I plan on becoming one the biggest investors in ALL 3 companies. If they support it I support them. This product needs mainstream attention NOW. Please everyone share this here. Share it on Facebook, insta, absolutly everything you can please. Lets raise awareness and kick breast cancers ass once and for all.

IF you are thinking of investing in these companies, well cisco is usually always a safe investment because well its cisco.. duh.. lol. However if you invest in LLBO or privately with Cyrcadia you are taking a HUGE HUGE risk. Here is why. Cancer is big big money. Breast cancer alone has almost 5 billion a year in research just in the US. 20 billion a year is projected for treatment costs by 2020 just in the US!! SO HUGE money. If breast cancer gets beat by the ITBra all that money could go elsewhere but you can bet your ass these companies that getting part of those billions, big pharma know about this. Big pharma could bury this rather easily I fear. Cause in the end they will be the big loser. HOWEVER all that isn't what makes this so risky.. What is? The FDA could say nope doesn't work. For any reason. Valid or paid off by big pharma.
DO YOUR OWN DD!!! Invest no more than you can afford to lose. But at this price a little goes a real long ways. DO NOT BUY IT CAUSE I SAID SO< BE RESPOSIBLE DO YOUR OWN DD. I clearly won't cover any losses should they occur.

I have owned LLBO for years. I know people that have owned it for 10 years. We believe in this fully and it has our 100% support. I think this is so cool I'm optimistic for its future and if enough people get behind this we can get the FDA's attention and get the ITBra moved to the front.

So please help me take this viral.
This is so important to me is crazy. I have a wife and 2 daughters of my own. This could save them one day.
Merry Christmas all and Happy New Year. Stay safe.


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Great thx for getting the word out very well written, I also have been in this for almost 10 yrs