Insecurity, Drama and heartache

in #breakup7 years ago (edited)

The main reason you want to contact your ex again is to find out why. Why doesn’t your ex want you anymore? What did you do wrong? Why did they have to back away instead of talking about it so it can be fixed? Why are you being dumped? Why are you not wanted? Why are you not loved, or at least loved enough to not be thrown away like yesterday’s trash?

Hmmm. You wonder if it would help if you broke into your ex’s house to snoop through their things. There must be someone else they like more than you. You need evidence, you think, so you can confront them on this. Maybe your ex has been cheating this whole time before you got dumped!

Perhaps your ex doesn’t know how much this relationship means to you. So maybe if you left some sort of roadkill on your ex-lover’s doorstep, they’d rethink this decision. Perhaps if you surprised them at home and did some cutting on your skin right in front of them, they’d know how much of a mistake they are making!!

Whoa there, Crazytrain. Time to tap the brakes. Next to you, Fatal Attraction is starting to seem like a Rom Com. Things are getting a bit dark. It might be time to seek professional help for this problem you’re having. It goes without saying if you are planning to harm yourself or violate others you should seek emergency medical care right away.

You might also need a dating coach, because the WHY in why you got dumped has started to rear its head and show itself. Your ex is probably not wanting more drama, and therefore does not feel comfortable pointing out the real reason why you are getting kicked to the curb. But your relationship coach is going to level with you, and give it to you straight. Here it comes, the answer you’ve been seeking. Here comes the big WHY. Are you ready?

It’s your anxiety. It’s your insecurity. It’s your fear. You’ve been worrying about the future to the point you’ve routinely terrified yourself. This fear, this insecurity, has caused you to mistrust, and subsequently mistreat, your lover. It has caused you to behave in a possessive controlling manner toward your romantic partner. It has turned you into everyone’s worst nightmare, a moody controlling negative fearful insecure jealous possessive partner who sucks all the fun out of the room, and out of life. You’re a dark cloud, a ball and chain.

You’re drama waiting to happen. So this is why you need to be kept far away from now on. Your ex’s life felt like walking on egg shells, never sure when you might explode, erupting in more drama. Nobody wants to put up with that for long. You bought yourself a one way ticket to the ‘don’t call me, and I won’t call you’ friend zone.

Look, I know this sounds harsh. But nobody else in the world had the stones to tell you this. This is the truth. Your insecurity is the cause of all of this unfortunate and needless drama and heartache. There has been a pattern of this self fulfilling insecurity in your relationships. Do we have to summon the ghost of relationships past to prove it to you? We don’t, because you know it’s true. This pattern of self-fulfilling insecurity, which often ends in rejection, abandonment, betrayal and heartache? It’s a re-occurring problem in your life. It’s happened before, hasn’t it?

I’m really glad you’re still reading. It takes strength and courage to get real about the WHY and finally become willing to do something about it. We are going to do something about it in fact, if you stay with me and keep reading. I’m going to show you why and how this keeps happening to you. Then I’m going to explain to you, step by step, how you can leave this negative nightmarish pattern behind you, so you don’t have to keep getting your heart smashed to bits because of it.

There is nothing wrong with you physically. You are not ‘too ugly to love.’ Believe me it really has nothing to do with that. A lot of things you imagine need fixing when you stare into the mirror are not the real WHY. This is a software issue, not a hardware problem.

So you’ve come to the right place, because hacking skulls is what I do. Together, you and I are going to find the bugs and gliches, solve the issues and install a patch that will transform your relationships. The result will be to give you a romantic life you’ve never experienced before and a love that fills you with peace instead of anxiety.

But it is only truth that sets you free. This is going to require ruthless honesty on both of our parts. Many people cling to their illusions and delusions, and become prey to cognitive dissonance. I can’t help those people. So you are going to have to really want this for it to work. You have to decide that you are truly finished with this pattern of insecurity, rejection, anxiety and heartache. Well, are you?