Recipe: Overnight oats

in #breakfast2 months ago

Here's a great breakfast no-bake recipe that you can prepare for yourself the night before!

I've only just recently got into making these, and it's really easy and I can change it up often!

For overnight oats all you need is:

  • a container
  • milk/dairy alternative
  • yoghurt (best is plain)
  • some type of jam
  • any fruit

Now you don't need to have fruit or jam in it, but I like doing jam as it's a nice sweetness factor!

So, like the name suggest, these are done the night before! I usually try do it at about 9pm, so that by the time I wake up (7am), it's ready!

step 1

To start, I get my clean container (I use a small glass tupperware) and pour a thin layer of oats. You can adjust this to your appetite, I just don't tend to eat too much in the morning. I use just porridge oats, I've seen online that many say to use rolled oats, but there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference.

step 2

Next, I pour in my milk, to just cover the oats. When you add more water, it will make your overall oats more wet and liquidity, but I prefer it to be quite thick.

step 3

Now comes the yoghurt, I have tried to use flavoured yoghurt before, but it clashed with the jam I used so I'd recommend using plain yoghurt - greek style! Again, the amount of yoghurt you use will affect the consistency at the end. Here you will need to mix the yoghurt, oats and milk well to make a nice mixture!


You can stop there but I like to add some flavour! Here I used apricot jam and ground cinnamon! I usually mix this bit in the morning.


And here's how it comes out in the morning and all mixed together, as you can tell the apricot jam does disappear but I can assure you its taste is still there. A really easy breakfast to prepare the night before!

Hope you like it!