Personal brands are becoming more and more Popular as time goes on , and it is being fueled by the huge widespread of Social Media.
You can brand yourself around a particular Niche and the best way to show your expertise is through content creation. I see many self acclaimed Marketing experts on Social Media like Twitter whose page does not reflect what they claim to be in any way
The fact that you have been able to amass a significant amount of followers on Social Media does not automatically make you a marketing expert. There is difference between that and Influncer Marketing
Influnecer Marketing is simply Leveraging your Following to help companies promote their products in exchange for Payment. It is a nice way to earn on Social Media , but it is a kind of Business Model I don't like
I prefer that people with huge followings give their followers something truly memorable Instead of just bombarding them with ads. I belive that it is even better to come up with valuable paid resources in your Niche than just promoting different products on your Timeline
Now talking about personal branding, you may be wondering how to pull it off. It is not Rocket science , it is something that can be done by follwing different steps and principles
The first thing is for you to overcome Self-Doubt, thats one of the biggest thing that can hold you back. Humans tend to focus more on their Imperfections but the best way to build a rock solid personal brand is to ignore your Weakness ans focus on your strenghts
You have to constantly remind yourself on what your Mission is and also surround yourself with positive people and resources that will help you Improve
The second step is continous content creation. The truth is that the only way to Improve consistently is by creating more content. One of the best way to imbibe thing is to teach it to others
Content creation is also a way for you to show your expertise in your Niche. You can only reach more people through content, if you are waiting for people to randomly stumble upon you then you are in for a long wait
Another important thing is for you to be authentic, the whole hustle of building a personal brand should be predicated on truth
It is difficult to keep up a fake personality on Social Media and the truth is that People can sense whn you are not authentic on Social Media
Don't try to be like someone else, just be Yourself
The last but not the least is finding Mentors. The fastest way to get somewhere is to learn from people who have already done what you are trying to achieve
Learn to stand on the shoulder of Giants
Thanks For Reading
Image Source : Pexels
Hey @ogochukwu, I love your post man. As I always worried about internet marketing stuff, I always love to gather new and updated information and it seems that you just updated my mind ☻.
So I am following you. However, there's two simple rule that I follow. First, solve their problem. Second, give them value to receive value.