Why its important to identify the Y in your life. Putting oneself in a peak state 5 points to ponder.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #brainstorming7 years ago

When was the last time you observed your own action from the perspective of an outsider or an observer?

If your answer is you haven't or you do not remember then i have few suggestions for you which i would like you to consider. Its totally up-to you to consider them. They are below the quotes

" IF u know it how, but you do not understand why, then Y "
  1. If you haven't observed your actions there are good chances that you would not understand the reasons behind them, it also means that you were too distracted. To fix this ask this question to yourself - " What do you want to be in your life and why do you want to be that person " thrice daily in the morning, noon and evening, trust yourself and do not let lies clout your decision. 
  2. Once you have figured out the Why then analyze your actions in whatever you do.
  3. This practice will send your brain on auto-correction mode and your brain will start seeking the answers for you, because we underestimate the power of our brain through our inaction and procrastinating behaviors we set limits to its capacity by letting our surroundings dictate our perceptions, whereas technically its otherwise.
  4. When once your brain has figured out the solution it will try to eliminate hurdles that are stopping you from achieving what you want in life. It will give you subtle signs of changing your routine, dealing with unimportant people in life, your eating habits, generating opportunities of success for you from time to time and here you need to understand and acknowledge it and if you don't then your brain will identify other things and distractions as more important for you and then it will take you in a different track.
  5. Your behaviors shapes your surroundings so once you've decided what you want to be and why the how will automatically fall into its place. Moreover the greater the difference between our self image and our actions, thoughts and behaviors the greater will be the dissatisfaction in our lives.

Image is an original property of  Michael Simmons and i observed it in the article here

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